Friday, March 9, 2012

Dreaming of Frogs

(photo by Joi Ito - frog on corn leaf)

The other day, a friend told me about a dream she had. In it, she was yelling at her boyfriend who was sitting on a couch. Suddenly, he turned into a frog. She continued to yell at him, "And damn you, now you're a frog!" What did it mean?

Frogs and other types of wildlife can definitely be viewed as symbols when they appear in our dreams. I think this refutes the ideas that some people have that dreams are just the residue of our daily lives brewing in our brains. Because, why would a frog appear at that moment in her dream! (Unless she works with frogs or happened to see one that day). So, her dream is telling her that her boyfriend is like a frog. What does that mean? Well, there are several interpretations.

1) He actually has the qualities of a frog. He is slimy, has a long tongue, catches flies.
2) One dream book I read said a frog symbolizes "physical and emotional malformations". I have seen the guy and he appears to be very well formed! But it reminds me of the fairytale the Princess and the Frog where the prince is turned into a frog because of some character flaw, but he will be restored to his true identity with the kiss of a princess. Is my friend the princess who will save this man/frog?
3) A frog represents spiritual and emotional changes, and the potential for transformation (as seen by a the change from tadpole to frog).

Traditionally, a frog is seen as a good omen for money and love. What you do with the frog also has meaning. For example, holding a frog in your hand means you're going to win something and killing a frog means you are about to harm yourself (taken from Podder, 2004).

In my friend's case, she felt comfortable with the interpretation that the frog symbolized the potential for transformation and change in her boyfriend (which is what she was hoping for all along).

If you have ever had a dream about a frog, please tell me about it and comment below.


  1. I'm actually just waking up from a frog dream. In it some gave me thier pet frog to take care of while they were gone, but the frog kept getting out the cage. I spent an exhausting amount of time trying find something else to hold it in but nothing worked. In the end the frog got out of its cage again and hopped away into the forest when me chasing after it. I woke up right before I entered the forest. What does this all mean?

    1. Hi Lisa I wanted to know what does it mean if I were working in a nursing home and I was getting off work but when I looked in the window before I left two big green frogs were on the insidè of the window so I looked at them and left what does that mean

  2. Thanks for telling me your dream! Which frog symbol explanation above most resonates with you? To me, it sounds like the frog is a symbol of potential (luck or money - depends on your life situation). You are trying to catch it but it keeps eluding you. In dreams a forest is usually an area of transformation, where things happen. (to read further see my post called "Kim Kardashian's Mushroom")
    If you wanted to apply this dream to your life you could
    1) try lucid dreaming before you go to sleep. This is where you consciously try to re-enter the dream at a certain point ie. the frog hopping into the forest would be a good point. It would be interesting to see what would happen to you. Would you finally catch the frog? Would he lead you to something or someone? Would he give you a message?
    2) think about your life situation. Is there something you are chasing after? (more money or a job promotion for example?) Maybe your dream is telling you just to let it go for awhile. Stop trying to hard - see what happens. Hope this helps - let me know what you think.

  3. Hi Cara - really interesting dream! The first striking symbol is a toilet which usually stands for "cleaning yourself out" emotionally (makes sense, right?) It suggests that you may be having problems in your waking life expressing yourself emotionally so you have a "backed up" need to do this. In fact, you are close to overflowing! This coincides with the fact that you don't have a voice in your dream - your husband isn't listening to you. Maybe this is an issue in your waking life? A vacuum cleaner is a symbol of "clearing stuff out" too. In your dream you decided to empty this stuff out into a bathtub which is an image of cleansing and renewal (Good move! You could have just as easily used a garbage can.) As stated above, frogs are usually symbols of luck or transformation. I would say in your case, they would represent transformation. Maybe each one represents some emotion or issue that you need to become aware of. A bullfrog is just representative of that same frog symbol only may represent something bigger and louder (something that really needs your attention). In your dream you feel uncomfortable and anxious about all this, but I think it is a good dream. Does any of this make sense to you?

  4. i just woke up from a frog dream..which i decided to research since iv never had a dream like this before... in my dream i met up with an ex i had about 7 years ago... we were standing outside next to his car.. he was asking me if we were back together.. when i heard a frog next to me.. it was a bullfrog that at first i thought was following me around him..then leaped on him then on me..when it jumped off it was attracted to my shoe and tried mating with it... n thats when i woke up...i am currently seeing someone now but we are not officially dating nor exclusive... im a little confused on the research iv been getting.. can u help?

  5. If this were my dream, I would see the frog as a symbol of emotional transformation and changing feelings you may have about your ex (or whatever time period or thing) he represents. It was unclear in the dream whether the frog was aligning itself with your ex or you but then he finally settled on you so you are the one who has done the transforming around this relationship. Maybe you've matured or developed better qualities that will help you in your new relationship. I see this as an affirming dream of the great changes you have made and the potential for growth. (Of course I don't know you so I'm just guessing! But that's what I would think if I had this dream.)

  6. Hello! I just woke up from a frog dream too! I am originally afraid of a frog regardless shapes and sizes. So this dream freaked me out so badly i was nearly crying when i woke up. I had this dream i was an agent and was on a mission getting a bomb out from a place and i threw it to the nearest big lake..and so i was running back from this tall grass field that has an asphalt pathway and as i run, so many frogs were crossing from the grass field to the other side, another grass field. Every steps i took has frogs front and back my feet, in any shapes and sizes! I screamed as i run and i fell down but wasnt on top of any frogs but the frogs were all over me and in front too! I screamed and screames til i woke up! Could that mean anything?

  7. Besides the frogs, you have a lot of different symbols in your dream: agent, mission, bomb, lake, field, pathway...figuring out what these symbols mean too can help you to figure out the meaning.
    I think nightmares are usually trying to alert you to major emotional feelings so the piles of frogs would be scary of course, but they might represent emotional issues that you are dealing with in real life. The whole agent/bomb/mission thing seems like you are dealing with something- almost successful- but then these other issues (the frogs) bring you down. If this were my dream, I would try to think if there is any issue I need to confront in my waking life that is a barrier to my success.

  8. Someone just told me that whenever they see a lot of frogs in real life, they take it as a sign that they are going to be moving soon. So, that could be another interpretation if you see frogs in your dreams.

  9. I recently had a dream that one of my neighbors has keeping frogs as pets. He introduced me into getting one and mine ended up laying eggs. Then I was getting calls from scientists from all over the world wanting to buy my frog's eggs. HAHA. I had to actually Google whether or not frogs actually lay eggs when I woke up!

  10. I honestly did not know Frog Dreams were so popular when I wrote this post! I still haven't had one myself - I feel left out! itsliz89 - your dream sounds like a good luck dream. Maybe you'll soon be having lots of people contacting you for work in the future:)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. i just woke up from a frog dream. at first, i saw a frog in my bed room window. it's smooth, medium built with green and straight brown color at the center. However I tried to avoid it because I was afraid of frogs after that a white cat appeared, (it's the cat that lives in our backyard which always shows tenderness towards me=in real life). I also avoided it then close the window then I sleep. The second part of my dream was when i went on a dim room, i also saw a big frog, i guess it's a bull frog. it seems like it was waiting for someone. it didn't move while I'm looking on it. because the room is kinda dim, i wasn't able to see its color. i guess it's texture is rough and brown in color..

  13. Sounds like that frog is trying to get your attention! What do you think it represents?

  14. I just woke up from a dream. A frog appeared in my back yard. Soon they started to multiply. Majority of their colors were green, yellow and a couple were white. They just sat in the yard staring. I can remember one little yellow one staring at me. Some how an alligator came into my yard and attacked a cat. 2other cats came to help. The frogs just kept on starring off into the yard. Does anybody know what the frogs may represent.

  15. You have a lot of different dream symbols in this dream (colours, alligator, cats) If you identify what those symbols mean they can help you interpret what the frogs mean in your dream above. Dreams need to be seen as a whole story so what other symbols are there will change what the frogs symbolize. In my post and comments so far I have said that frogs can symbolize emotions, transformation, or good omens.Lots of frogs probably mean pay attention to this dream. I found this quote about yellow: "a yellow animal may be tied to the notion of being liberated from some aspect of your life".

  16. I had a dream that there was one brown snake in my living room and my cousins and i were trying to get it outside to the patio. once we got it outside in the patio i noticed a big ball of tangled up black snakes with big eyes. as soon as i got inside i sat down and had a green tree frog in my hand the frog was just hanging out staring at me then the more it was staring at me i would become fearful of it (im very fearful of frogs in real life) and woke up because i just kept staring at it and the more i stared at it the more scared i became.

  17. Hi Lisa, In part of my dream I was in a garden with a couple of others and they wandered off. Then I saw a baby tortoise walking along. Was exclaiming how cute etc. Then on the garden wall there were 3 of them lined up still facing me and another appeared making it 4, lined up not moving. Behind them against the house under a table I then saw a bright green frog with a few bright yellow spots on it's legs. I went to it smiling and tried to reach under to touch it, I did and it hopped away a few feet and I slowly followed but didn't bother it again as I didn't want to make it scared. Thanks for reading. :)

  18. This is a cool dream Dawn - lots of symbolism. So the garden, tortoise and the numbers 3 and 4 also have meaning including the frog (and his bright yellow spots on his legs). FYI (incase you haven't looked it up already) tortoises are a symbol of patience and fortitude. A garden is a symbol of inner life (where you are trying to cultivate growth). The numbers are funny because 3 represents freedom but 4 means stability (relates to the tortoise symbol). So if frog is a symbol of transformation it sounds like you are ready to make an emotional transformation (to becoming more patient or stable perhaps?) but should maybe take it cautiously. I know you didn't ask for an interpretation but I felt like doing it! Let me know what you think?

  19. Hi Lisa...I rentcely had a dream about frogs. Not lives one; figures. I was at a jewelry store and came across different types of frog shaped rings. When I saw them, I thought of my sister and I was going to get her one (my sister loves frogs). What I found funny was, the night before. I had a dream I was at the hospital holding a new born baby(wasn't mine). When
    I looked at the baby, I felt happy, sure and positive about everything. My sister have been trying to have a baby for a few years now; could these dream be related in some ways....Thanks

    1. The dreams could be related. If your unconscious wants to get your attention it can use a variety of different symbols and dreams to try to communicate the same idea. If frog symbol means transformation the baby symbol relates well because it basically means new birth. It would be awesome if these dreams were procognitive of your sister having a baby!

  20. Hi Lisa, I've looked everywhere for an interpretation for the frog dream I had. I was in some place were there was construction going on. At the edge of the construction area there was a boarder that was garden like (but man made-something like you would see at a mall or atrium) I walked by this one area that had a bunch of frogs and one leapt out at me and landed on my calf. It changed in appearance from what it looked like in the garden(normal, size of my hand, green and full body) to flat, golden color, and the size of my calf, completely covering it. No matter what I did, I could not get it off of me. I tried shaking it off, even used salt (not sure why I'd do that) but it liked eating the salt. For some reason I was afraid to pull it off with my hand. In the end I used the salt container to hit it several times and it finally turned back to a green color and fell off, I don't believe I killed. Then I woke up.

  21. Thank you everyone for sharing your dreams about frogs! If you read the comments you can see how similar themes emerge (ie gardens, frogs changing colour from green to yellow). So interesting!

    Cory, if this were my dream, I would noticed the images that suggest transformation or growth (contruction, garden) which might mean the frog in the dream is a symbol of this. Legs, the calf particularly, can symbolize the ability to move. Having a frog that clings to impedes your movement and you didn't like it. Green represents growth and gold represents growth towards maturity. Salt means opportunity to change also, as well as salt shaker. So...all symbols point towards the idea that your dream is reflecting the period of growth you are going through right now. And although you may not like it (in fact try to kill it) it's going to happen and it will lead you to a place of greater maturity. Enjoy.

  22. In my dream I am given a present of a new phone. When I open the box the phone is missing, when I remove the top layer of the box which would hold the phone, underneath in the box there is a small green frog, along with an old mens wallet with contents still in and an old dirty phone. Any ideas?

    1. Well, there are several symbols: phone (communication), box (container, keeping things hidden), wallet (money), old (man and wallet - old ways of being, things past) and dirty (unclean,not desirable) as well as the frog. So, based on these other symbols, if it were my dream, I would see the frog as a symbol of luck and transformation in my old financial situation as well as something to do with a new way of communication of it. Make sense?

  23. Hello lisa, i recently had a dream involving a baseball stadium, sand, many people, and me with this frog. So im in this stadium with a few friends, nd its filled with many people. But they are wearing their beach wear because the chairs were not normal chairs it was sand hills but in rows. it was cool.. so then i see this frog, i was a little afraid at first but either way i decided to pick it up. After i let it go, but it wouldnt go away it would just stay by my side at all times. Me nd this frog had a bond, it was like a dog nd its owner lol. Plz tell me what this means ?

    1. OMG I could have a blog dedicated just to frog dreams! But thank you for sharing Jes arz:) Baseball and team sports usually refer to working as a team so it seems you are thinking about your working life or social life. The beach scene makes it seem relaxed and chill. So frogs, (see explanations above) refer to transformation, luck, etc. so your frog buddy might be telling you this situation (Social or work) is going to change (I would say for the better because of the beach scene) or else the frog could be your "Totem Animal". Have you heard of these? Some people (first nations cultures especially) believe that everyone has a totem animal that is kind of like a protector/guide that comes to them in their dreams. So a frog could be yours, especially if it pops up a lot in your dreams. (mine is a bear). I should write a post on this soon, but if you want more info right now read some of Robert Moss's books. He talks about it a lot and is a dream guru extrordinaire.

  24. Hey everybody, I love hearing about your dreams and I'm more than happy to help with a free interpretation. But just to let you know, since I am doing this FOR FREE, I make some money off of Google Ad clicks and intext links. I would love to have more viewers so if you have found my blog helpful, please repost, retweet or pass it along to your friends.

    I would also love to have more comments on my other posts, so if you haven't already, check them out and let me know if you have had similar dreams.

  25. I had a dream i was walking down a path of dirt nd next to me was a big beautiful clear lake if id look down. nd then all of a sudden i look bak infront of me nd theirs a massive amount of frogs with white dots. in my vision it zoomed into a big one nd i was scared and squirming arpund screaming. i hate frog. what does that mean

    1. A path represents a journey, a lake is a place of healing. The frogs represent transformation. White is a symbol of truth. If this were my dream I would take it to mean that change is coming for me and it might scare me (but dreaming of frogs is usually always a symbol of positive change so don't be scared!)

  26. Hi, I also had a dream of a frog, it was a large light green pretty looking frog but it wasn't very nice, it was following me around a town/shopping area, it eventually jumped up and bit my finger, in my dream I think the significant parts were the light green big frog, the area I was in and my bitten finger which was bleeding. I would be grateful if you could help me interpret this dream. Thanks.

    1. A town shopping area is a public place so I think the dream is symbolic of your public persona. The frog wants your attention (it bit you and is following you around) and a frog is usually a sybmol of transformation. Green represents growth and light green specifically, renewal. Fingers represent lots of different things from feelings, ability to do work or phallic symobls (Freud's interpretation). Being bitten is a symbol of hostility. Blood is also a symbol of violence but can also be healing/transforming. So if it were my dream, I would see the frog as a symobl of change that is coming/or happening, that looks promising at first but may be unwelcome or hostile. It could be a warning?

    2. Thank you for getting back to me, you have given me a lot of information. let's hope there is nothing too terrible round the corner! :)

  27. Hello I just had a frog dream. I standing in the dark in My boyfriend's kitchen with the refrigerator door open then a frog landed on the edge of the door. By the light of the fridge I can see a large group of frogs all sizes leaping across the floor away from Me so I turn to go the other way a frog was leaping towards Me. I did hear them croak.

    1. Usually in dreams the kitchen is a symbol of the home life. Refrigerator, is your food source. I think the frogs represent a transformation in your life that is, or needs to happen. (the large number and the croaking seem to demand your attention)

  28. In my dream last night (early this morning) I was making my way home along the ringroad in the city where I live and all off a sudden lots of frogs appeared in front of me all hopping in the direction in which I was walking I tried to step over them so as not to hurt them and as I was doing so one jumped up my skirt and directly onto my private parts (I seemed to have no underwear on) and then I woke and it had felt like it was still there - (tingling) any idea's what this represents as I usually dont remember my dreams but all of last nights was very vivid?

    1. Dreaming of "private parts" usually have to do with sex but can also represent self image. Because frogs can be a symbol of transformation, maybe your dream is telling you that you will have transformation in this area?

  29. Hi! I had a dream last night where multiple, small, green frogs were in my hair and jumping off my head. I went to a hair stylist to get rid of them and the person in the chair next to me had frogs jumping of their head too. I felt happy knowing someone else had frogs and we were trying to catch them together. Any ideas what this could mean?

    1. Hi - Did you read my post about hair symbols? (Dreaming of Eating Hair)Short version, hair can be a symbol of sexuality/sensuality and a hair stylist is someone who wields power over you. I think that because frogs represent change, you are looking for a change that will bring you into a relationship. What do you think?

    2. Hmmm, interesting. I'm happily married so I'm not sure about the new relationship but I am having a baby; currently have a 2 yr old son so maybe it's about the kids getting along???? The frogs in my dream were smiling and not croaking; they were content jumping around being silly

  30. Hi, I had a dream where I was walking on water and I was told there were frogs everywhere yet I kept walking but did not step on any and they appeared to be white frogs I believe one was given to me in my hands by my close friend(a guy) then we walked away holding hands into a school bus as it seems to have been a field trip .what can that mean?

    1. Cool dream - it seems very spiritual with the walking on water (overcoming obstacles) and the white frogs (represent purity). It seems like the friend is giving you this potential for spiritual transformation or a good change. A school bus seems to represent a journey for learning and like a field trip is a break from the classroom, it can be an "out of the box" type learning experience. Maybe pay attention to the insights and other "gifts" your friend is giving you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Hello Lisa, I hope you can helo me intrepret my dream involving a frog.
    I dreamt that I saw a frog in a big plastic storage box. I was not interacting with it but viewing it from a short distance.The frog looked neglected as it was really skinny. I wasn’t sure if it was dead cause it wasn’t moving but I didn’t want to have a closer look. Somone was there who made me feel bad cause it was so skinny & it was trapped in this box by somone cause it couldn’t have entered by itself. I didn’t feel like I was responsible for this but I felt bad, or was made to feel bad for this act. I felt very disturbed by this dream & seeing this frog. Never dreamt of a frog before.Thanks for your help !

  32. Maybe the neglected frog represents your neglected dreams or opportunities for change/growth/transformation. You seemed to identify with the frog (felt sorry for it, felt like it was trapped). So maybe the dream is encouraging you to "let out" the emotions or secret dreams you have been hiding. Let your inner frog live!

    1. Wow..thank you so much Lisa for your response. You are right on ! I can totally relate to what you said. Infact I was just having a conversation with my friends about starting my own business & finally living my dream. I think it’s also showing me that I have the responsibility for my life, for feeling trapped, in a box, or not moving. I am the only one holding me back.
      So Yes.. I will let the inner frog live !
      I just love that…It will be my new mantra ☺

  33. Haha that's awesome. And if I start seeing t-shirts with that slogan on it you owe me a percentage:)

  34. Oh my. And I have a frog dream. Never had one of those before and was as surprised as others at their frequency. I only remember the end of it unfortunately. I was walking away from a dark metal table where a very large dark frog was laying. It had no legs. I didn't remove the legs, they just weren't there. I walked away feeling very sorry for the frog, that this should have happened. The whole darn dream was dark too. Any clues for me?

    1. So frogs represent hope and potential but a frog without legs is kind of handicapped and can't do much. The fact that you felt sorry...maybe the dream is referring to a hope or change you had that didn't come to anything? The darkness and seems like a sad dream:(

    2. Yes, in retrospect it seems sad to me too. Probably more a reflection of my mood rather than a prediction.

  35. Hi. I had a dream about a frog a few nights ago. A big black bull frog was on my bed who just started croaking and hopping towards me. He got under the covers with me I got scared and got up but not before he licked me with his tongue on my leg. What does this means?

    1. If this were my dream I would see the black toad as a negative sign. Getting under my covers is getting into my own personal space. But being licked by an animal is odten a symbol of healing (legs represent the ability to move). What do you think?

  36. Replies
    1. Hi Courteous
      You seem impatient for your reply. Maybe you should change your user name?(ha, ha) Okay, so you have a few different symbols in your dream besides the frog (which could represent some change that you loathe). A bed represents your own intimate space but the fact that you said "under the covers" suggests something that you want to keep hidden. Being licked by an animal traditionally means that you "will be called upon for advice" but it also seems to me like a form of healing. Legs are your ability to stand up for yourself. So...if this were my dream I would think that maybe I have some change going on in my life that I don't really like or want to keep hidden but that if I embrace it, it will give me the ability to stand up for myself. What do you think?

  37. I think you're right. A lot of changes going on in my life right now. Relationship, finances. Tks for your help

  38. I just woke up from a frog dream. I was at my bestfriends house and there was a baby frog roaming around loose, I think it was her sons pet. The baby frog jumped on my back and I was trying to shake it off but it wouldn't get off of me. I am terrified of frogs I hate slimy jumping things, I've always been scared of frogs. I woke up after trying to shake the frog off my back. What does this dream mean?

  39. Trying to "get something off your back" usually means there is some secret thing that you want to get rid of. The baby frog might represent something small that you know you have to change but you don't want to. The people in your dreams could have something to do with it? Frogs seem to always be omens of good luck or transformation in dreams so no need to be scared of them.

  40. Hello I just had a second dream about frogs. BTW I find frogs kind of creepy and usually AVOID them. so, in the dream I'm home , I see a pale green frog with a deep orange , almost red spot on It's back . it hops about 3 times away from me then croaks but only a puff of smoke orange like its spot comes out . I hit the frog with something flat I don't remember what & I guess he died because his spot turned pale green like the rest of him was

  41. Hey Lisa,

    I had a dream earlier today about a big orange frog. I remember it was out at night and my friend and I were walking to a truck to leave what looks to be a pretty peaceful/quiet neighborhood. Once I got onto the street and got to the truck, I see a big shiny orange frog. I was able to get a clear close up view of him somehow. He wasn't on the ground but possibly on some sort of platform because I did not have to stoop down to get a close look at him. Anyways, he started leaping at me. I was like, no way buddy; not going to happen you are not touching me. So I pretty much dodged him a few times. One time he almost landed on me, he just sort of brushed by. In the end I ended up on the passenger side of the truck and somehow my friend started hitting the frog, kicking/punching it. He plucked it with his finger but the frog didn't budge. Anyways, eventually my friend and I ended up in the truck and that was about all I remember. There must be some significance to a big orange frog trying to land on me...?

    Thanks Lisa

    1. Hi
      It's funny that lots of people seem to dream about frogs with orange spots! (see Kilz Mania's dream above yours). The colour orange is usually symbolic of postive/optimistic change so my guess would be that the frog may represent a big, positive change in your life that you might be uncomfortable with. Maybe it involves your friend? Being in a truck symbolizes being on a journey and if you are in the passenger seat you are not really in control. What do you think?

    2. Wow, not bad Lisa. You may be on to something because lately my roomie is always trying to get me to go out and do stuff. I usually like to just hang around at home and do nothing. Every time he goes out, he always drag me along. While I don't like going, I sort of know it is good for me to be out there and socialize so yea you are pretty much right it seems. Thanks for the help in analyzing the dream!

  42. Hello,

    I recently had a dream about frogs. My older sister and I were in some forest or just a place with alot of trees. It seemed as if we were going on a nature walk, which we love to do. so we came up on this pond. The pond was separated by a walkway/sidewalk thing. So we walked on through looking into the right pond. It was teeming with FROGS!!!!! It had to be thousands of them. I did not recognize any particular type of frog though. But they were different. Well the pond was dying. Like the water was evaporating or receding. And it was so muddy. Where the water had receded you could see dead frogs all over the place. The frogs in the pond were so slimy. like extra slimy. and they were all just sitting.And the wierd thing was that they all kinda looked deformed. they were Moving very slowly if at all. so we kept walking on the walkway. then all of a sudden one frog jumped to a different spot in the pond and right then ALL the frogs started jumping. My sister was further up then i was and she was running but the frogs were jumping on the sidewalk and her as well. they covered her. and i tried to run the other way but the frogs were doing the same thing and they started jumping on me. the first physical thing i felt was a frog jumping on my back and that scared my awake. The last thing before i woke up was that the frogs were covering me too.

  43. Hey Guys
    Love all the comments about your frog dreams! I would really love it if you could check out some of my other posts and share your dreams about them too. Dreaming of aliens? Snakes? Or eating hair, anyone?

  44. Hey Lisa,

    Nice to read ur inter prediction bout frogs ..
    I had a dream last night of 2 small (approx 2-3 inch green colored) frog playing around n I also enjoyed somewhat while seeing frogs but busy in doing my work
    I din remember d whole thg but it was my place as I was very comfortable n cool.. i hold frog also in my hand once or twice .. i dont remember properly but i think i kissed frog once or may b frog kissed me on cheeks :)
    Later I properly remember I was sleeping on my bed with the blanket on me covered my face too..coz I was feeling cozy ..
    Both frogs sat on my right hand wrist (I was covered fully with blanket) grasping to wake me up or may b wit any other intention they sat but both frog was trying to push my hand up...
    Can u help me with what they was trying to do/say..

    1. This is a really nice dream! So we know frogs are usually a symbol of transformation, green representing growth. The number 2 suggests duality (like yin/yang or male/female). The idea of kissing a frog (or the frogs kissing you!) could mean they are awakening you (like a sleeping princess in a dream :) to your creative potential. This is a very affirming, positive dream.

  45. Hi Lisa, this is Nikky. I'm hoping u got my dream about the big blue bullfrog in the bathroom w/me while I'm using the restroom. I try to open the door so he can live but he starts to jump all over and then end up jumping on the toilet with me and of course I jumped
    up and it just seat there looking at me. It was like 2 or 3 other small green frogs when I open the door but I was more worry about the big blue bullfrog. Please help me understand this dream if u can because I'm really puzzled about it. SMH

    1. Hi Nikky
      The colour blue can represent many things depending on its shade but can stand for a symbol of the unconscious. Toilets/restrooms are a place of elimination in your dreams. You are trying to, or need to, get rid of something. Looks like your unconscious is trying to get your attention. Maybe you need to let go of something in order for positive change to come into your life (represented by the little green frogs). What do you think?

  46. Hi Lisa. I'm sharing this site and will also be commenting on your page about snakes. I hope you can help me with this dream as it was very vivid. I was walking on a footpath and to my left I noticed a huge green frog with massive eyes. I stopped to look at it and it held its arm out to me and I then noticed it had a huge chain around its neck that didn't give him much room to move. I then noticed it had 3 eyes. The frog looked so sad and I wondered whether the rope around its neck hurt or was chaffing and I was outraged and went home to write a letter but got distracted.

    1. Hi Carine
      Thanks - I'll also be commenting on your snake dream. Here are some ideas as to what some of the dream symbols represent. Frog= potential for change. Eyes= windows to the soul a third eye represents wisdom Arm= the ability to reach out to others Neck= the joining between heart and head or Chain= being bound

      If this were my dream, I would see the frog as an opportunity for change and growth for myself but I'm not helping it. I want to but I get distracted. Maybe I need to reach out and grab and opportunity or even reach out to other people. I would see it as a reminder not to hold myself back and feel bound. What do you think?

    2. Hi Lisa. Sounds good. By the way the snake dream came first.
      I am going through a period of repeating relationship patterns since I was about 19. Literally the same thing keeps happening over and over again but with different people and it's like I don't learn.
      I'm now 30 and I really want to make a change but it's really hard to let go of my old habits. Every time I want to try something new I get scared and revert back to what or should I say who's comfortable.
      I feel I need to be alone to really understand what it is I want from a life partner or wait for the right person to come into my life but I find it easier being in a relationship even though it may not be with the right person (don't get me wrong all my boyfriends have been great, but not quite right for me). I think the dreams are signalling that I need to make this change otherwise I will stifle myself spiritually and emotionally...I don't know what do you think??
      I'm overseas at the moment and its the longest I've been away from male attention (I've always had a boyfriend or someone in between), the first week I really felt like I was coming off some sort of addiction. I just hope that when I get back home I can be strong enough to not get back with my ex. It'll be comfortable and nice, but not right. Oddly I haven't had any dreams since I've been away but I haven't had any phone or Internet (until today) and I'm really happy at the moment.
      Sorry for the cut a long story short do you think this relationship issue could have something to do with the dream?
      Ps: thanks for listening you're amazing.

    3. Thanks Carine!
      It seems like your dreams are telling you (strongly) that it's time for a change too and it sounds like you feel like that too. If you think it has to do with relationship issues it probably does. I totally get what you're saying about trying to make a change and going back to old habits or what's comfortable. I tend to do that with the jobs I choose. So I know it's really hard to make changes but the truth is you won't be really comfortable with yourself until you do and it's going to show up in your dreams. Best of luck!

  47. I had a frog dream last night i was at a house i.did not know.i was using the bathroom and when i got up there was a large frog in the toliet bowl i was freaked out and started to run the frog jumped on me and attached its self to me as i kept pulling it off throwing it it kept finding me then it turned into something else with teeth and started to just chase and claw at me veey weird dream what could it mean

  48. If this was my dream I would see being in "a house I did not know" as being out of my comfort zone. A bathroom suggests a place of elimination. Since the frog was in the toilet, maybe it represents a change or something that you have been trying to get rid of but you can't seem to shake it off? Your dream is pretty similar to Cara Benaski's so see my response to her.

  49. Hi Lisa,

    I love all your post about dream interpretations, so thank you in advanced for mine.

    I had a dream that I was in my old childhood house, I was inside and it was all white, just empty. My mother was outside looking thru the window and said to me, "Look at the frog!" I looked up and saw 5 huge, bright green frogs. I remember smiling and thinking how cute they were, looking like a frog family. And they all started to hop towards me and I almost felt scared before I woke up.
    What is your interpretation on this dream?

    Thank you,
    Jennifer :-)

    1. Hi Jennifer

      There are quite a few different symbols in your dreams. You might want to check out my posts about "Dreaming of a House" and "Dreaming of Windows" "Dreaming of Numbers" and "Dreaming of a White Piano" too to explain further. It seems like "Family" is a big theme (ie. your childhood home, your mom, frog family). Five is a number symbol relating to harmony between heaven and earth. The colour white also represents purity and wisdom. If this were my dream I would see it as having something to do with potential change or a greater insight in my family situation. (probably good because frogs represent positive change). What do you think?

  50. Hi Lisa.
    I'm so upset about my frog dream! I dreamt I saw a giant frog and beat it to death because I was afraid.( I would NEVER kill an animal!) I picked up the flat dead frog to show it to someone and it came back to life. I dropped it out of fear. It kept jumping up and clawing at my right arm and hand. I felt disturbed, disgusted, scared and I wanted to cry.... what could this mean???

    1. Hi Artist
      I think if dreams are violent (or you are violent in a dream) it can just represent an intensity of emotion (don't worry you are not becoming an animal killer!) But your strong emotions show that there is an important issue going on that your unconscious is trying to alert you to. Hands represents creativity and the arm the ability to reach out to others. The right side represents your outgoing nature too.
      If this was my dream I would see the frog as a symbol of potential change/transformation that I am not comfortable with. But even though I'm trying to beat it to death it refuses to leave me alone. Maybe I would need to make changes in the way I express myself or reach out to others or at least be alerted to being more aware of that area of my life.Does any of this make sense to you?

    2. Yes! Makes so much sense!!!
      I am going through a divorce. My husband doesn't want it and is trying to hang on... meanwhile, I am an artist that paints murals for a living. I am currently trying to branch out into canvas painting as well. I'm worried about supporting myself and thought maybe different forms of art/ creativity could help me. Thank you for your insight and prompt response!!

  51. Hey everybody, I love hearing about your dreams and I'm more than happy to help with a free interpretation. But just to let you know, since I am doing this FOR FREE, I make some money off of Google Ad clicks and intext links. I would love to have more viewers so if you have found my blog helpful, please repost, retweet or pass it along to your friends.

    I would also love to have more comments on my other posts, so if you haven't already, check them out and let me know if you have had similar dreams.

  52. I had a dream about a black toad that was following me everywhere i go and when the frog was licking me they said that somebody had to piss on me so the slimy stuff would.go away and my.cuzin was peing on my leg but dint go away what does.this mean

  53. There is actually a difference between toad and frog symbols in dreams. While frogs represent a positive change or transformation toads usually represent evil. The colour black would empahsize this shadowy association I think. The legs represent the ability to move. The toad could be licking you like he is ready to eat you or he could be trying to attatch himself to you. The idea of peeing on the leg reminds me of the old wives tale that peeing on your leg will help to heal a jelly fish sting so it sounds like your cousin was trying to help.
    So, if this were my dream, I would see the toad as symbol of some unwanted/potentially evil thing or situation going on in my life that is holding me back. I would see my cousin as someone who could help me (or maybe tried to help me). What do you think?

  54. That's an interesting and valuable way of looking at animal symbols. I agree that the key purpose in talking about or "interpreting" dreams is to find out what our "inner dreamer is communicating to us". Thanks for your comments. I'm looking forward to reading more on my other posts.

  55. Hi! I also had a frog dream. In my dream. My dad bought a piece of land near a beach. The beach doesnt have a ehote sand so he bought white sand from a diff beach and transfer it our beach. As i was inspecting the beach it was lowtide there were a lot of frogs around and there were also a few giant lizards. Some of the giant lizards are eating and vice versa.can you help me interpret my dream?? Thanks:)

    1. There are a lot of symbols in your dream. The beach one is interesting because Freud saw dreaming of a beach as symbolic of the Oedipal complex (the wish to murder your father by burying him in the sand) and your dad was a part of your dream. Conversely, Freud also saw the beach as representing the desire to return to the womb. But unless these things resonate with you in some way, if this were my dream, I'd see the beach as an ideal place where wishes could come true. As stated in the post, frogs are a symbol of transformation or luck. Lots of frogs could mean a lot of luck! Lizards, like snakes (see my post on snakes) could represent a darker force. So, I would see the lizards eating the frogs and viceversa as sort of an internal war between the two. Does any of this make sense?

    2. It makes sense. Thanks lisa:)

  56. I just woke up from a dream and I saw a frog in my home. It was quite small when I first saw it hop by and then I was telling someone that was there with me that I had just seen it. I managed to catch it and it was extremely cold and it grew. It was a gold yellow colour. I caught again and it was still very cold. Then who ever I was with caught it (I thought) but it turned out to be a very friendly and playful rabbit. Then I caught the frog again and now it was very large and I held it with both hands against my chest because it was so big. It was still noticibly cold but not as extreme as earlier. Then I woke up.

  57. Hi. I had a frog dream last night. I was sitting in my cousins room alone and it was light outside but the shutters were down so it was a little dark in the room. Anyways I saw something move on the floor and it was a greenish brown frog. I knelt down to pick it up but it started to leap away so I left my hand on the floor and just waited for it to come to me on it's own. A second later it leaped towards me and crawled onto the back of my hand and then crawled until it was sitting in the palm of my hand. Then I saw a baby frog sitting on the floor and I tried to pick it up but then it disappeared. So I stood there holding the frog in my hand and I was petting it. I went outside where the rest of my family was to show them and then after that I woke up.

  58. I recently had a dream in which I saw a giant frog. i actually did not understand it till I read what you have here but what i don't understand is that in my dream i was trying to avoid it because i have never seen such big frog before. is there meaning?

  59. Maybe the big frog represents a really big change/transformation that you don't feel ready for or want? That's what I would think if this were my dream.

  60. If this were my dream I might think that all the frogs mean there are alot of opportunities/changes going on in my life that I'm not comfortable with. The mouse could be a symbol of shyness and timidity which goes along with the symbol of torn clothes (clothes represent our outer person or how we think people perceive us)which can symbolize feelings of inferiority. So I would say that the dream is implying the way you are feeling right now about different changes/opportunities going on in your life. What do you think?

  61. Hi!! Im totally freaked out by my frog dream and Im not sure exactly why. in my dream I am in the tub relaxing and soaking then I open my eyes and notice a tiny frog on the edge. But this frog wasn't an ordinary green frog. It was dark green or black with shiny gold spots. I freak out and jump out of the tub and notice more of these frogs appear. None of the frogs jump but more like crawl and I notice there legs are conjoined(resembling a mermaid's tail). they seem lifeless in a way(guessing because they couldn't jump) and just keep crawling along the edge of the tub in this straight line one after another. What could this be about?

    1. Bathtubs can represent a place of cleansing/baptism. It's funny when you read through the comments, how many frog dreams take place in the bathroom. Frogs without legs too is a common theme so I encourage you to read through the other comments if you haven't already.
      If this were my dream, I would see the frog with spots as something that might appear shadowy but that actually has positive potential. Lots of frogs could just be emphasizing the point. No legs usually means the inability to move but these frogs seem to be determined to keep going in a straight line, so maybe that is the message to you. Just keep moving forward towards change/transformation even if you don't feel like it. What do you think/

  62. Hello!!
    Last night I had a dream that it was morning time already and I was preparing my lunch..I was going through a bag of green grapes and then as I'm pulling them out I pulled out a purple large grape the size of a lemon but it had a hole and something appeared to be inside. As I'm opening it I come to see its a frog! I stood there holding it in my hands deciding if it was dead or not, as it was not moving or making noise. I then put it down on the table and then noticed it started jumping and croaking..I tried chasing it as it jumped towards the front door and I ran after it outside but could not get it. I'm not sure what this means...but when I was holding it it seemed dead since it was a pale green color and when i saw it hopping it was a bright green...any idea what this might mean?

    1. There are a lot of symbols in your dream that suggest the idea of creativity ie. grapes/fruit, hands. Frogs can be symbols of transformation or change but when you were holding the frog it seemed dead. When you let it go it was hopping, bright green and alive. If this were my dream I would think about if there was something in my life (a creative project or something) that I need to let go of in order for it to grow and become something fruitful. What do you think?

  63. Hey everybody, I love hearing about your dreams and I'm more than happy to help with a free interpretation. But just to let you know, since I am doing this FOR FREE, I make some money off of Google Ad clicks and intext links. I would love to have more viewers so if you have found my blog helpful, please repost, retweet or pass it along to your friends.

    I would also love to have more comments on my other posts, so if you haven't already, check them out and let me know if you have had similar dreams.

  64. Last night I dreamt that I was walking through a park, to the right was a children's play area where thousands of frogs were jumping around. As I looked down under my feet were all their eyes looking around which had been cut out - but the frogs still alive. Suddenly their eyes started to explode!

  65. I have just woke up from my dream, i dreamed that i was at my ex's house and i was talking to his mother for the first time and she didnt like me then my ex started to talk to his father about this girl then my grandparents were there and my grandmother started to talk to me about frogs then a started to hear frogs croking then i looked they were everywhere but they weren't ordinary frogs they were all orange with blue dots big ones and small ones then my ex wanted to talk to me but then i thought of its about friendship or about the girl forget it i walked away then i sat at the dinning table i turned around he smiled at me but i dint know why but i told him to come closer then realized it was a dream and i had woke up with big prange frogs around me with blue dots on the bachine legs of them i was pushings them away from me but the kept trying to come closer.

  66. Last night I was walking m dog around local fields, and as I walked I noticed frogs or toads everywhere, iv never seen so many at one place before. I then remembered that the night before I had seen a frog in my dream, at the side of my house I think? I'm not spiritual or anything like that, and a dream as never bothered me before, but I really got a feeling when walking on the field that it really means something.. Maybe in wrong but I'd love it if you could help.

    1. I'll try...Since there is a difference between frog and toad symbols (see some of the comments and responses above) it will make a difference in how you interpret your dream. Frogs are usually symbols of positive change and transformation while toads can represent evil. Let's assume your first dream was about frogs since the dream before was. A field can represent a place of freedom, happiness or personal growth so this seems to fit in with the idea of seeing lots of frogs as an abundance of opportunities/personal change/transformation. A dream like this could feel like it "really means something" and be very spiritual. If this was my dream I would see it as an affirmation of my own positive growth and potential. What do you think?

  67. Yes I can see we're your coming from, my ex partner recently took his own life and iv taken it very hard. I know that iv got to move on from this and make something positive from he's death. Thankyou for your help x

    1. I'm really sorry for your loss. I hope I could help.

  68. I had a dream dozens of frogs came out of my blanket and disappeared one last one comes out and throws up a lot while my dog was barking at it, its freaky i just wanna know if its good or bad?

    1. I can't really tell you if it's good or bad... Frogs are generally a positive symbol and vomiting (see my post Dreaming of Vomit) means to get rid of something. Maybe you have some changes going on or about to happen that you don't feel comfortable with, but maybe they will be for the best? That's just what I would think if this was my dream.

    2. thanks for the reply it really helped. your explanation made sense, and its actually applicable right now.

  69. I finally had my first dream about frogs last night. Yay! In my dream I was going to run a bath (for myself or my daughter) in someone else's house we were staying in. There was already some murky water in the tub. I ran the water and threw in a washcloth before I realized that there were actually about three albino frogs in there. Apparently the last owners were using the tub as a makeshift pond. So I turned off the tap and just left it the way it was although it seemed weird to keep the frogs.

    So my own interpetation? Three white frogs could represent purity/spirituality potential. A Bathtub is a symbol of cleansing and renewal but the water was murky and yet the frogs needed that to survive. So maybe my dream is telling me, I have the potential to change/grow (maybe in a different place/house?) even though things seem a little murky/muddy/not clear right now. This is what makes sense to me anyways. Anyone else care to comment?

  70. I just had a dream where there was a green and white striped frog just sitting in the room, I was watching it at first then I tried to get pass it, I went left, then I went right, but it seemed as if the frog still saw me, I remember feeling like the frog was going to get me, I then proceeded to jump over his head slowly, but he raised his(what seemed to be)big eyes and watched me jumped over him, I felt afraid, then woke up.

  71. I saw a dream early morning - The dream goes like -

    "I got up from the bed and opened the bath room door then I saw many black colour worms, they have already eaten away 3 bath room tiles and reached and reached the ceiling. I was scared, immediately I came out of the bath room and closed the bath room door. Then i went to bed again - when i woke up, I saw many green colour frogs on the ceiling of my bed room. Hesitating I opened to bath room door and to my surprise the black worms were hardly present and bath room was as before."

    Then I woke up from my sleep. I was a bit disturbed with this dream - so washed my face and googled to find out whether it is good sign or bad. Kindly analyse and suggest me the analysis as I am fighting a legal battle and expecting some money as settlement, but I am not sure when will the case be settled.

    1. Sorry that I can't predict the future for you but if this was my dream I would see the symbols as being positive. Black worms are negative symbols but they are in a bathroom, a place of elimination, climbing towards a ceiling (a higher place). But then the symbol of the green frogs (good luck, positive change) seems to get rid of the first negative symbol. So I would say it seems like the outcome will be good or at least you are feeling positive about the outcome. Good luck!

  72. Hey if you feel like I've helped you out with your dreams, check out my Donate button at the side bar. Just sayin...

  73. Hi Lisa. I had some dreams last night (I say dreams because i kept waking up, but when I went back to sleep they were connected like I had never woken up) that I would like your insight on. I know there are many aspects to this and this section is primarily about frogs, but there are frogs in this, I promise, lol.

    In the first part of my dream I am a Indian princess. I am being forced into a marriage that I do not want so I am trying to think of a way out of it when I see a fox watching me. I come up with the idea to say that I was poisoned by the water that I had been drinking from a well. I went back to the well to draw more water from it when I noticed two spotted blue tree frogs sitting beside it. At this point I woke up from the dream and when I fell back to sleep I was myself again. I drew a bucket of water from the well, which was filled with leaves and algae, and threw it into a nearby ditch where the fox was sitting and continuing to watch me. I went back to the well and sat down beside the two frogs. When I held my hand out to one of them, it jumped in it and proceeded to lick my fingers with a long blue tongue and then it disappeared. I held my hand out to the other frog and it jumped into my had as well. It wrapped itself around my finger and I saw that it had no tongue but was trying to bite me. I was afraid that it would hurt so I stopped it. The frog stared at me for a few minutes and then I told it to go ahead. It bit my finger and it didn't hurt, however it felt as if its grip was tightening on me. When the frog disappeared I walked into my grandmothers house (which had been sitting beside the well since this part of the dream began)and I woke up again. In the final part of the dream I am trying to decide what I want to do, so I go to the front door and look out the window. I see the same fox drinking water from another ditch when I guy I went to school with pulls up on the road beside it. He pulls a knife from his boot and is about to attack the fox when I yell at his to leave the fox alone. My yell scares off the fox and it runs to the back yard where it watches me warily. The guy I went to school with drives off. I hold out my hand and call to the fox and it come toward me, but suddenly I'm scared that it will bite me so I jerk my hand away which scares it into running again. We watch each other for a moment before it transforms into a man with fox like features (he still has ears and a tail). I'm immediately attracted to him. He comes to me and asks why I yelled at the hunter instead of warning him because he could take care of himself. I tell him what I had seen and that I did not think he would have had time to react and I felt as if I should protect him with my whole heart. I reached out to him again but before I could touch him I woke up again.

    As I said, I know there are a lot of aspects to these dreams. Its not unusual from me to have continuous dreams like this though. I've searched online for the meaning of biting frogs and protecting foxes, but I haven't been able to find anything. I came across your blog and thought that maybe you could help me out with this. Thanks!

    1. Wow Angela - I love your dream, the whole storylike aspect to it - thanks for sharing it! Okay so you have LOTS of symbols and archetypes in your dream. In the first part of the dream you see yourself as an Indian Princess being forced into a marriage you don't want. This suggests that you might be feeling like a damsel in distress and you want rescuing from a realtionship/situation that you feel bound to. The setting of drawing water from a well reminds me of the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. This suggests that you are at a place of transformation and wisdom. Water is a symbol of renewal and life but in your dream you want it to be poisoned or else it is unclean (the leaves etc.) A fox represents shrewdness. Is the fox a symbol of some aspect of you that feels you need to "watch" the situation? The tree frogs could represent transformation. Blue is a symbol of truth, liberation, calm or spirituality. The number two suggests duality (both sides, yin and yang). Hands are a symbol of your creativity or power. Being licked or bitten by animals seems to be a common dream symbol. I think the licking has to do with healing. Biting is supposed to be a sign of aggression but maybe its also an animals (or dreams) way of getting your attention? A grandmother is usually a wisdom figure and you are in her house but a house can also represent your own inner self. Looking through doors and windows suggest you want to find a way out. The hunter (boy with the knife) is an archetypical figure of the hero (think of the story of Little Red Riding Hood). Except that you didn't really want/need saving. You decided to confront/rescue the fox yourself and discovered it was really only a man in disguise. He was attractive to you and he could represent your animus (the male side of your personality according to Carl Jung). Okay, so, this is a lot of information that can help you to interpret your dream yourself. But simply put, if it was my dream, I would see it as an affirmation that I have all the tools I need to confront/overcome/transform a situation in my life. Does any of this make sense to you at all? Again thanks for sharing!

  74. Hey everybody, I love hearing about your dreams and I'm more than happy to help with a free interpretation. But just to let you know, since I am doing this FOR FREE, I make some money off of Google Ad clicks and intext links. There is also a DONATE button at the side so whatever you think your interpretation is worth...I would love to have more viewers so if you have found my blog helpful, please repost, retweet or pass it along to your friends.

    I would also love to have more comments on my other posts, so if you haven't already, check them out and let me know if you have had similar dreams. Thanks!

  75. I dreamt that I bought a caged frog from a pet shop but was unsure about what to do with it after the purchase. I wasn't quite sure whether or not I should have bought it.

  76. i have this dream that frogs are all over the place, on my bed, on the floor, and stick to the wall like spiderman do .i was disgusted of it coz im afraid of frogs. the frogs in my dream are alive but not moving and later on i saw a football shoes and wore them and i step on the frogs thas on my bed and kick them on the floor. i didnt do anything to the other frogs thats in my room i just want my bed to be out of frogs ...what do you think is the meaning of it?

  77. Frogs usually represent change and it seems like you feel like they are invading your personal space. If this was my dream I would think about the changes that are going on in my life and think about how I feel about them. Do I really want them or want to get rid of them? Shoes (see my post Dreaming of Shoes) usually symbolize a way to move through life. Maybe you need to move through the changes, get them out of the way before you feel good again. What do you think?

  78. hey lisa, i just woke up from a dream, i dreamt i was a frog and started talking to another frog! i think the other frog was green, but we were at a pond, but it was like a very normal even funny scene i dont remember what we said but i think the other frog was smiling

    1. That's such a cute, positive dream. I love the smiling frog. Good changes ahead?:)

  79. I had a dream recently about a frog, but to begin with you need to hear the first part of the dream. It was a city in turmoil. There was a virus going around and it was turning everyone crazy, I knew I had to escape so I went to a house (one that I have never seen before in my life and it was a strangers house in the dream) all of a sudden a man showed up at the door and he had those old compact discs for the computers and he told me that there was a virus going around and he was trying to figure out how to stop it. He put it into the computer and as he did that, his head disappeared and in its place a white frogs head started to grow, I was scared, I knew instantly that he now had the virus and i had to get away fast before i caught it, his head went from being white to slowly turning a bright green and oozing slime and i knew the greener he got the more toxic he became.
    It then went to a birds eye view of me literally jumping from tree to tree and this frog man (the head of a frog and the body of a human) jump after me- it did not catch me and then my dream went into a different dream. How would you interpret this?

    1. Sorry nleola, I just came across your dream now. Very interesting - could be a horror movie, right? So computers could be a symbol of knowledge. Virus is something contagious. A frog is usually a symbol of positive but a white frog (purity) changing into something toxic green doesn't seem positive to me. I don't know who this frog man is but military men trained in underwater combat are called frogmen and a frogman also seems to be part of Chinese lore (but I couldn't find out what). But the dream suggests that you feel responsible for a change that you want to stop. What do you think?

  80. Hi Lisa, in my dream I was with my daughter my aunt and her ex husband we was eating shrimps after we got up and it looks like we were in a pond we started walking towards a little wood bridge but there was clear water and there was a lot of todpoe but than a light green frog appear we tried running from it but it jump on me it landed on my shoulder I was really scare I was trying for the frog to get of me but I woke up. Can you please try helping me what probably it meant. Thank you

    1. When you dream about family members they can represent the actual people or they could be archetypes (ie the child, the mother figure etc. Shrimps usually signify feeling overpowered. A bridge is a transition point (crossing over)on the road of a journey. A pond is a place of reflection. The change from a tadpole to a frog represents change. A green frog symbolizes growth and transformation. Shoulders represent bearing burdens. If it were my dream, I would see myself (and maybe my family) going through a period of change that I feel like could be a burden on me. What do you think?

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Hey Lisa, i was looking for some one to interrupt or give me an idea what this dream means to me.....I had this weird dream....i was in a house and seeing a Big White Frog which hops towards me...i was feeling little scared but then i see it again it flips around on its back and trying to get back to normal position....i took that on my hand and walked out of the house to drop it...My uncle walks in and i ask him to take it he says no u do it....and then all i see my self on dream is that the big white frog is in my mouth and i am trying to pull it out but not able to as it was stuck to my mouth and then i woke up...Can you try to tell me what this means or meant to i do beleive in my dream as they try telling me something...

    1. Hi Rakesh
      If this were my dream, I would see the big white frog as a symbol of wisdom/spiritual transformation. The uncle symbol probably depends on your relationship with him,but he could also be seen as a wisdom guide. The mouth usually has to do with communication so it might suggest that powerful transformation can occur with something you communicate (or are afraid to communicate). What do you think/

    2. Hi Lisa Thanks alot...looks like big change but not sure if it will be positive or negative as i just came out off relationship and at the same day i had oppurtunity to move on my career for a better place and for some reason i am praying alot too...hmmmm looks like i will have to wait to see it...Thanks alot Lisa Again.

  84. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  85. Dear Lisa,

    I had today a dream with little frogs. It was quite disgusting, cause I was stuffed-up to the tissue and when I spread the tissue I saw a little frog there, but it was not moving at all. Then I stuffed-up once again and felt that the second little frog stucked in my nose, so started pulling it down but it did not work and finally I tear only one lego of the frog and the rest was still in my nose. It was so realistic and I do not feel good while thinking about the dream even now. I have pretty hard time now, I predict I am pregnant, I do not feel well, but as well the boy I felt in love let me down and I am pretty depressed about that. I would be grateful for you advice regarding my dream :)) regards!

    1. Hi Katarzyna - thanks for sharing your dream! The nose is a symbol of intuition (inner knowledge). To dream that it is stuffed up might mean that you feel you can't access this. Frogs are a positive symbol of change and transformation but you felt disturbed by it. Maybe you are not feeling comfortable with your real life situation that you described. If this were my dream, I would see it as a reminder to trust my intuition. Good luck!

  86. Hey, I wonder if you could help me. Some time ago, I had a strange dream: I was at my parents' house in the countryside, when suddenly began a meteorite shower. a small one fell near me, and when I checked it, it was only ash and a few purple mushrooms. When I picked one, I saw a palm-sized orange-striped frog. I remember that I was concentrating on its eyes, then it turned into a white-haired young man. I woke up after that. Any idea on what that might mean?

    1. I love your dream - so much symbolism. My post called "Kim Kardashian's Mushroom" will give you more info about the mushroom symbol. But this is what I would think if this were my dream: Being with your parents suggests traditional beliefs. The meteor shower suggests these beliefs have been "blown up". Purple mushrooms have a mystical/spiritual association. The orange striped frog is probably a symbol of positive change. The eyes are "the mirror to the soul". The young man with white hair is a dichotomy of the young/wiseman. I think this dream represents a spiritual awakening in yourself where you are letting go of old beliefs and coming into a wiser state. What do you think?

  87. In my dream I am in my lounge and notice little clear blobs of jelly on the floor. One is on my foot so I squish it. Nothing comes out, but from the other blobs emerge clear frogs, tadpoles and green frogs. I want to save them so try to move them to safety but from one of the blobs comes a red stick like frog and goes up my nose.

    Any suggestions?

    1. The jelly blobs, tadpoles and green frogs represent a new birth or change. It seems like you see the need to nuture this change carefully. The colour red is usually a symbol of danger, shame or passion. The nose is a symbol of your intuition. I would see this part of the dream to be wary or discerning about some of the change. What do you think?

  88. Hey everybody, I love hearing about your dreams and I'm more than happy to help with a free interpretation. But just to let you know, since I am doing this FOR FREE, I make some money off of Google Ad clicks and intext links. I would love to have more viewers so if you have found my blog helpful, please repost, retweet or pass it along to your friends.

    I would also love to have more comments on my other posts, so if you haven't already, check them out and let me know if you have had similar dreams.

  89. Hi Lisa! I just read your blog for first time and found it very insightful. I have been having a lot of dreams lately (or have just become more perceptive and curious about their meanings!) . I have been doing some yoga and meditation lately so perhaps because of that.
    This dream I had early today morning had a frog. I had finished playing some vigorous game and then was sitting down to have breakfast with family on some rocks...think we were in a park of jungle. As I sat down I realised that I was having my periods Nd thT after the vigorous game I should change or it can get soiled and I will be embarrassed in front of family. I go looking for a bathroom. I find one but I think someone was inside so I wIted a while. By now I really needed to pee as well. finally it went in and just as I was sitting saw a frog looking up/ staring at me. I stopped a moved away looking at the frog. It jumped and landed on my feet and I pulled it off and it hopped Away, I was surprisingly not really scared. I then left looking for another bathroom. I am very puzzled by this dream so would love your interpretation which is so insightful. I will also post on your snake blog and just a week back I had dreamt of a snake also staring at me.

    1. Hi Gunjan
      When family members are in dreams it sometimes relates to ideas of tradition. Having your period/blood can mean like your life blood or else relating to maternal matters. A bathroom reflects your private space. So if this were my dream I would think that maybe you are feeling pressured by your family or traditional beliefs and you are afraid to let them know that your beliefs have changed? (the frog symbol). The frog landed at your feet which is a symbol of movement. It sounds like you need to find another private space of your own. I wrote about blood as a symbol on another website if you're interested I'll check out your post on snakes but let me know what you think.

  90. Hey everybody, I love hearing about your dreams and I'm more than happy to help with a free interpretation. But just to let you know, since I am doing this FOR FREE, I make some money off of Google Ad clicks and intext links. I would love to have more viewers so if you have found my blog helpful, please repost, retweet or pass it along to your friends.

    I would also love to have more comments on my other posts, so if you haven't already, check them out and let me know if you have had similar dreams.

  91. Dear Lisa

    I have just awoken from a frog dream. I saw a really huge, fat frog look at me past its shoulder and then silently hopping away. Later I am telling my mother about the frog and when she asks where it is, I see it right there at her feet. It is a little dark so she can't see the frog and it quietly passes in between the space of legs. I begin to follow it and watch it disappear under a sofa. I try to look for it, but suddenly, a very very cute tiny lil kitten comes out from under the sofa and diverts our attention and we all go awwwww.

    I have read a lot of your posts on frog dreams. You are really good. Hope you can help me understand mine.
    Thanks in advance!!

    1. I just replied to your dream about snakes. Usually people have dreams about both symbols when they are going through a period of change and transformation. The body part symbols stand out to me. Shoulders represent strength, carrying a burden while feet represent the way to move. You feel like you can't see and are worried about where the frog went but when it appears as a cat you feel relieved. This suggests that maybe your worry/change won't turn out to be as fearful as you think it might be? Let me know what you think.

    2. Thanks Lisa! You are right I am carrying a very heavy burden right from my childhood. And I am worried about my the outcome of my transformation. Now another thing comes to mind, I think of frog as ugly and kitten as beautiful, so I guess I am going to be very pleased once my transformation it's complete.

      Thanks once again! I had looked for interpretations online and the best ones have been yours. It strikes the right chord. Wishing you success!

  92. This is going to be strange..... I was having a dream that a dark colored tiger stripped kitten, of I have an older female dark tiger stripped cat, was trying to be friends with a very bright green frog. It was laying on it next to it everything to be close it it seems. However the stripped kitten then became my calico kitten when she was a kitten and the grog became a very vibrant orange stripped snake that was probably about 6 inches long. The snake was not aggressive towards anything in the house but was trying to lay across, next too, curl up next my kitten in the dame fashion as the first kitten and the frog. All the while I was trying to get the house cleaned up because the man that I am currently was probably going to come over and I was trying to get it done. As I'm doing that I'm instructing my kids to watch what's going on to make sure the snake doesn't kill my kitten but they too are much younger in my dream than they really actually are. Last thing is while cleaning the fridge I come across some chicken that I forgot that I was sure that went bad and when I rinsed it off it turned black. I know very weird. Any thought?

    1. Quite a mixture of symbols in your dream. The frog and snake suggest change and transformation (the colour orange usually represents positive change in a dream). A kitten seems harmless but when it has tiger stripes it seems more aggressive. A kitten can be a symbol of transformation too into independence. If this were my dream, I would think that because of the symbols and the idea that I'm preparing for the man I'm seeing, I would see this dream suggesting that I'm ready for a change in the relationship (independence). Interestingly, the chicken symbol often means cowardice so maybe afraid to make the relationship change? Things turning black suggest decay. Not usually a good sign. Now I'm not an advice columnist, I'm only telling you what I think the symbols in your dream mean. Just because you dream something doesn't mean you need to act on it but dreams are a way of getting in touch with our true emotions and feelings about a situation. Let me know what you think.

  93. Hi Lisa! I just woke up from a dream of a huge frog (like 2 feet in height) that suddenly appeared in front of me. It has big black eyes and dark green in color. It stares at me all the time. At first it made a sound "meow" (just like the cat's sound). I tried to answer in a pig sound "oink". After i did that, it already keeps on repeating the sound and even called me "pig" once before trying to catch me. I'm in a couch that moment, and the frog was i think about 2 meters away from me. It jumped towards me as if it wanted to catch me but i ran. It jumped for the second time but i ran already inside my room (even heard the frog landed in front of the door and slides downward). That's how the dream ended. What does it mean? Hoping for your response to this. Many thanks! :)

    1. Interesting dream. Usually something that is big is trying to get our attention. The frog even tries to catch you but you don't want it to so it seems like maybe the frog represents something (change/transformation) that you don't/aren't ready to face. The pig sounds and references usually refer to our "base" selves. Passions and "unclean" desires that we might be embaressed about. Do you think the frog is trying to get you to acknowledge something like that?

  94. Please help Me. As i'm writing this, in just woke up from quiet an unusual dream. In that dream, I was in our province, it was dark, and My aunt and I are on our way to my grandpa's place, talking about some strange and fearful things of ghosts and vampires that may be lurking around the place where we are. But my aunt comforted me by saying "don't worry, I'm with you." Then as we trod the path to My grandpa's place, something leapt out of nowhere, from the tall blades of grass clung to My hand and bit My right hand, just below my Palm. I was so scared but my aunt told me to hurry and have my hand checked and washed at my grandpa's place. Then as in reached the light to my grandpa's place, I saw the "naughty culprit" that cling to my hand was a small black frog looking thing with long tail (yeah I know that's an odd description, for nothing like that exists in the real me world), it stuck into me and I removed it, threw it on a nearby trash in my grandpa's place, have it washed and applied some ointment on it. The ones with me saw it and say it's okay, nothing to be afraid of. Then the scene changed. I was in a basketball court with a lot of people, my friends and some relatives with me. As we enjoyed the show, I shared to them my experience, and told them, wasn't Peter Parker bitten by spider before he became Spider Man? What if the same thing happen to me? Become some sort of super hero lol. Okay so that's it. What do you make of it. --------------- Oh by the way, the other day before I dreamt this thing, my mom and I went to a relief center and send in some relief goods to the victims who suffered from the recent super typhoon Yolanda. Could the dream signify a bad action? Was it wrong for me to help those who suffer? I hope not. Please help. Thank you.

    1. Hi Irendelle
      It's seems like you have some ideas yourself as to what the dream is about. The hand symbol usually represents your ability to give (which relates to helping the relief centre). The black frog seems like more of an evil/demonic figure. It seems like you felt relief to get rid of it in your dream. The aunt and grandfather figures seem like protectors and guides. The basketball court can represents "the game of life" or your social self. I don't think the dream was suggesting a wrong action. Quite the opposite since you were telling your friends you were a hero! I think your dream is suggesting that you did a good/heroic thing by helping out. Maybe you had to get rid of whatever was "clinging to your hand" or preventing you from helping out in the past? What do you think/

  95. I had a dream about two huge frogs (in height and size). They were just sitting their almost as if they were watching over something. One was facing right and the other was facing partially to the left. The face of one was kind of shaped like kermit the frog head. The color wss that typical greyish-brown-black mix of regular frogs. They just sat there

  96. Hi, last night I had the weirdest dream about little dark green frogs in my house. Before I went to bed, my boyfriend and I had an argument/talk about resolving a big important decision we're faced with. I dreamed that I was at home and I went in the laundry room and when I picked up the clothes off the washer, a bunch of little frogs started leaping around. I was looking around a little worried and scared until I realized that I had one or two in my hand. I through them on the floor and as I am looking around, the frogs were going everywhere. I called my boyfriend to help me and he was looking around with disbelief at first but wasn't sure what to do. I recall asking or taking off a shoe and killed one of them. Any idea what this could mean? The decision that my boyfriend and I are faced with is something really important that I have to do but it requires his help. He says he wants to help but he's just not ready for the necessary step to help. What could the dream symbolize?

    1. I feel like your dream represents the issue you're dealing with your boyfriend. The frogs could represent change and you want help dealing with them. In the dream he seems unable to help you so you take it upon yourself (using a shoe which represents movement). So maybe your dream is suggesting this is something you are going to have to do on your own? What do you think?

  97. In my dream, I was looking for a frog then found that it had died. In my dream isaid, "if you don't find that frog it will start torot and stink"

  98. Hi Lisa,
    My name is Tyler. I had a dream about a frog last night too. Mine started out with me on a date with my best friend's sister. He doesn't actually have a sister in real life. but we hit it off and were going to ask him if he was ok with it. I walked into my kitchen in my house and there was a frog in this bowl. it could have easily jumped out but it wouldn't. It kept laying eggs and filling up the bowl to where it was almost running over but it still wouldn't get out. any idea what this could mean?

    1. Hi Tyler
      You have a few different symbols in your dream. Your friend's sister could be your anima (female side or guide figure). A kitchen is a symbol of nourishment. A bowl symbolizes the womb, a place of containment. Eggs represent creativity,rebirth and as you probably read above, frogs symbolize change or transformation. So if this were my dream, I would see it as a positive affirmation of some changes or creative endevours in my life. What do you think?

  99. I had a dream today that I was in line at a gas station with my girl friends daughter. I had a big frog in my hands and she had one as well. We were purchasing them at the gas station. It was a pretty plain dream the frogs were calm and were a lighter green with a light shade of brown on some of the back area. What could this mean?

    1. I think a gas station would represent a place to literally "refuel" yourself. I find that in my dreams a young girl represents a guide (like a confident adolescent) or an aspect of myself at that age. If this were my dream I would see the frogs as representing the beginnings of change or transformation in my life but maybe I have to "refuel' myself first or take initiative to get them (purchase them). What do you think?

    2. Thank you! This is interesting I never thought of the gas station in this way. I have gone through many changes in my life in the past three years and have finally gotten everything back in place. Thank you very much

  100. Hi Lisa,

    Here is my dream: it started off taking my mom back to my high school because they were having a type of reunion for those that graduated in 2010. I walked around my school doing the activities and such with one friend and her mom and then eventually I met up with my mom. After we went to celebrate at a bar but the bar was one from my college and some of my college friends were there with their parents. Well the main part that I remember and happened right after that was I was outside and almost dissecting myself because there was something in my stomach and when I opened it, their was a whole frog.. a pretty big one. Dead with its mouth open and I ended up taking it and the sac out of my body and it ended up turning into my uterus not my stomach and I saw movement in it and a bunch of baby frogsstarted leaping out of the uterus and then a baby that was probably 2 years old was the last to emerge from the uterus. Strange!!

  101. I had a dream that I was walking into my house and my cusin and some friends were in here then all of a sudden we see a frog and we all got scarred then my cusin killed it with a broom she scushed it and the we threw it out the door i wunna know wat that means

    1. If it was my dream I would think the house would represent myself and the cousins and friends traditions or societies opinions. The frog symbol could represent change but you seem to be afraid of it and your cousin want to "sweep" it away and out of your house. Maybe you sense that other people don't want to see change in you?

  102. I had a dream there was a Toad waiting by the elevator,Once the elevator doors Opened I walked in and the Toad jumped in with me ( hopped between my legs) As I pushed the elevator button to go up the toad bit my ass! I put in my fingers in it's mouth to detach it and then realized it only had small teeth in the back. What do you think it means?

    1. Frogs can represent positive change while toads can represent evil. If this were my dream I would think it has to do with the potential for increased success (image of riding up the elevator). The dream might be a warning to watch out for someone or something "evil" or they might just bite you on the ass! But you realize that it only has small teeth so it seems like something you can handle. Cool dream. What do you think?

  103. So I had two frog sreams over the past three nights. In the first a giant frog turtle(frog inside a turtle shell with metal spikes for some reason) was kiddnapping people. Only he wasnt doing it himself but sending these servants that I cant remember what look like to do it. For some reason that i'll later explain my bonds were really loose. I slipped my hands out, but got scared of getting in trouble and put them back in. The frog turtle noticed and used the sticky saliva from his tongue (by licking the bonds) to tighten them. Unexplainably they broke and the frog turtle got angry and sent me down a tube that led to the human base. The prince was standing around giving orders and I hid in a corner afraid of capture. Later I left base for some reason I can't remember and was caught again. This time I fought against my captors until they brought me back to the frig turtlr where I became compliate. However my bonds broke again and he got angry. He sent two slaves free and then it was just me and someone I know but haven't talked to in months. The frog turtle asked if he should free me or the other person. I told him to free the other person. Later my bonds broke again and he swore never to capture me again because I broke free but didnt try to run and that was no fun. I felt a kiss on my cheek but no one was there. He had on of his servants send me down the tube this time. After seeing how they were treated I gave them a invitation to find safe haven at the base. Then I was down the tube back at base. The prince showed up as I was telling them that the frog turtles servants might come here to escape them. The prince told them to welcome the servants if they came. Then the prince cleared the room and told me he had been breaking my bonds he admotted to lo ing me and kissed me. I asked about the princess he said he could love who he wanted. Later he told me we were friends when we were kids but the young princess found us to gether and I stepped off the roof we were on. She grabbed my hand and the prince grabbed her but i still fell the prince was convinced that the princess let go. Then I woke up. Second dream. I wasnt in this dream. Instead I was veiwing in a sort of third person. There was this king prince and princess are they were immortal(sort of). When the time came the king turned into a coi fish and the prince and princess turned into frogs. The king was reborn by finding a mate and the prince and princess when they mated and had two children a boy and a girl(yes, they are nrother and sister meaning this was incest). One time though the orince was missing for the princess life. She instead fell in love with an ice magician(who was a perfect match to a character in a story I'm writing). With the prince finally appeared the princess wanted nothing to do with him. When the time came to renew the cycle the king turned them both into frogs and dropped them in this circular river. It had different paths you could take, but the outer rim was a giant rounded square. The princess circled around and turned back into a princess. The ice mage was happy but the king turned her back again. Then the ice mage did something that my dream said was impossible. He tyrned into a frog too. They mated and had a girl who became the new princess. At the same time the orunce found his own mate and his mate gave birth to the new prince. When they were all human again tgere was a big fight over the break in tradition. And the ice mage got injured before I woke up. I feel like more was supposed to happen but it was just ut off. Oh and about the first dream when I was captive I kept calling the frog turtle master. I dont know if that means anything or not.

  104. Oh and the servants there was exactly threw of them. Never more never less.

  105. One more thing, the stort about being friends when we were kids I didn't remember because I got amnesia.

    1. This is a very cool dream. It reminds me of Angela Ellis (who commented above). It is like an otherwordly fairytale. If you're a writer, maybe this is the premise for your next story? Otherwise, princesses, ice mage, frogs are archetypal images that can represent people in your life. Your dream contains way to many to comment on all of them so I encourage you to look each symbol up (but you can look at my post about numbers and the #3). I don't know if this is a dream that pertains directly to your life - I feel like it's more a story that can inspire you. The idea of the frog symbol as rebirth (koi fish too) could be further developed as a theme in your writing. Good luck. What do you think?

  106. Hey everybody, I love hearing about your dreams and I'm more than happy to help with a free interpretation. But just to let you know, since I am doing this FOR FREE, I make some money off of Google Ad clicks and intext links. I would love to have more viewers so if you have found my blog helpful, please repost, retweet or pass it along to your friends.

    I would also love to have more comments on my other posts, so if you haven't already, check them out and let me know if you have had similar dreams.

  107. Good morning..
    I walk through an area with peaceful wildlife.
    Cats. The size of an average 10 month old baby; an explanation of a fish you can swim with but be careful cause if it gets the least bit nervous it will choke you; I walk into the house, something falls from the ceiling into a pot. Whatever fluid that's in the pot is dark colored. I look up. Walk closer to the pot. Look down. The frog leaps out of the pot. I step back. It lands on the edge of the stove. We make eye contact. It leaps to something on the left side of me. I turn to face it. It leaps in the direction of my head. I back hand it with my left hand. I wake up! Grab the cell phone. Respond to some text messages from my selfish mother. Put the phone back down. Cover my head. Uncover my head. Pick the phone back up. Begin looking up the meaning of things.. your input please?

    1. Oh, I get a demonstration as to how release oneself from the deadly fish. You must put your forearm in the back of the mouth of the fish.
      I'm tired of typing.. long dream I suppose.. :/

    2. Hi Babu - so many symbols! Can you look up the cat and fish symbols on my blog and it will tell you more about those things. About the frog symbol - it leaps to your left side which can represent your external world (you use your left hand too). Your head represents your mind. So I think the dream relates to a potential change in your external world that might threaten your current way of thinking about things. Was the cell phone part of the dream or had you really woken up/

  108. As I was waking up from a dream I cannot recall, I saw a bullfrog on my pillow looking at me. I immediately jumped up and turned on the lights but no frog was there. I looked around and listened for sounds to no avail. I know believe it was a dream or vision. And though I was immediately alarmed I wasn't panicked (which is unusual for me b/c I don't really care for reptiles). What could this mean?

    1. That's interesting. A bullfrog is a large frog. Could just be a sign to you of potential change or transformation to come.But I'm also reminded about the image from a fairytale book of a bullfrog wearing a crown, The Princess and the Frog. So maybe the frog represents this prince (like could your prince be someone you know in disguise)? Interesting that you would see him next to you in bed!

  109. Here's my dream:

    My husband and I were at the zoo and a lady with a huge smooth frog comes toward us and drops it at me.I wake up in mid panic....

    I'm deadly scared of frogs and o hate dreaming of them. I just have a paralyzing fear of them that I've been analyzing foryears and haven't gotten anywhere.

    1. How do you feel about change in general? If you don't like it maybe that's why the frog symbols scare you? Or it could just be frogs in general. Is there anyway that you could try to view frogs in a more positive way? (because they are positive symbols). You could try Lucid Dreaming where you could picture yourself taking the frog from the lady and then ask the frog questions like "What do you want to tell me?" I don't know, it might work!

  110. I dreamt of a tiny orange frog, it leaped and touches my legs. I was so scared and screamed, then shake it off. I tried to find where it went until I saw my dog chewing something, ended up it killed the tiny frog and I put the frog into the drain.
    what does it mean?

    1. How did you feel about the dog killing the frog, watching it go down the drain etc.? Usually an orange frog means positive change. Legs represent moving in a direction but your reaction to it seems like you didn't want it/weren't ready for it. The dog could symbolize protection for you by getting rid of the frog. Putting it in the drain, seems like a literal symbol. That's how I'd interpret this if it were my dream. What do you think?

  111. Hi Lisa! First, I'd like to thank you for this very cool and informative blog! this is my first time visiting, but i will definitely peruse more posts and click some ads for you.
    Last night i dreamed that i was in an unfamiliar kitchen with a female friend. I don't recognize the friend as someone i know in real life; but i could tell/feel that she and i were very close. we were preparing a meal for a dinner party and for whatever reason, we were going to fry whole frogs. (in real life, i've never even eaten frog bits or pieces.) as soon as it's time to cook, i pick up one of the five frogs and it moved, ever so slightly. this led me to believe that it wasn't dead, so i proceeded to check the other four frogs, and they were moving too. i've seen videos of frog legs jumping once salt is put on them, but these dream frogs were whole, in one piece and moving all over their bodies. they had beige bellies and light green backs. what gets me, is that there were exactly five frogs that did turn out to be living. needless to say, the friend and i didn't cook them but i can't recall whether or not we released them. any thoughts? please & thank you!

    1. Hi Kari
      Thanks for your compliments! You have a lot of different symbols in this dream besides frogs but all seem to relate to the frog theme of transformation and change. A kitchen is a place of nourishment (both physical and spiritual). A female friend could be an aspect of yourself or a guide. The number five can reflect a change in your path (maybe the need to change your path). Cooking something can transform it and a frying pan can remind you of your current situation "out of the frying pan and into the fire". If this were my dream I would see it as a reflection of my current situation and the need to change something in it. What do you think?

  112. Hi Lisa,
    I had a dream last night about bright green coloured toads. I've never dreamed about toads before so I'm curious to know what it all means...
    In my dream, I was in my lounge room and noticed a green toad sitting on the arm chair of my couch. I looked a little closer and realised they were also around my TV cabinet all proudly lined up. There were lots of them and I think the more I looked, the more I could find. I may have seen them in my bedroom as we'll but I'm confused if I'm just imagining this part of the dream... All the frogs were peaceful and all the same colour bright green and they were also standing tall with posture.

    Although the toads were not harming anyone, I felt disgusted that they were in my home and wanted to get them all, bag them up and throw them in the rubbish, I did not proceed to do this. I don't think I touched them at all and then I woke up.

    1. The toad is different than the frog and can symbolize evil so maybe that's why you were disgusted even if they appeared benign. A television can represent communication of your unconsious. Green is usually a postive colour representing growth but there are negative aspects to green too like jealousy and greed. If this were my dream I would think about what negative "toads" are in my life (jealousies etc) and do what you thought about doing - to "bag them all up and throw them in the rubbish" . What do you think?

  113. I just had a frog dream last night. It started with one frog. A completely red frog with large circular white spots. It was pretty and I was happy to see him. The first dream I was at my grams house and they kept multiplying. Somehow a bv wooded paddle came into my hand and I began trying to squash them. I'd swing and they disappear but p o p up somewhere else. The second dream when I looked around me and they were multiplying, I got freaked out bc there we so many. somehow the ground got filled with a small amount of water and I thought I have to electrocute them all at once so they don't touch me. I didn't actually kill them. After I had the thought they just went away and only a few were left. Then I started rationalizing (while still asleep) where did the water come from? What am I standing on that I am looking down at them? How did I end up at my grandmother's house in the first place She is deceased? Why did I re-dream and make it worse?? Then I woke up.

  114. I had a dream that my window was open and little baby frogs were jumping through it and into my room. I started to freak out a bit, but then calmed down. I then got out of bed and almost stepped on one. There were a lot of them. I tried to catch some, but they kept hopping away from me. Then, I finally caught one. I put it back down, then I looked under my dresser and at least 100 little baby frogs were piled on top of each other, ribbeting. Then I woke up. It was weird. I just woke up maybe 15 minutes ago and I just want to know what this means o.o

    1. Did you read any of the comments above? They might help you interpret your own dream. But if this were my dream I would see the baby frogs as beginning symbols of change (bedroom is a personal space) that I am feeling uncomfortable with.What do you think?

  115. I dreamed I was covered by Green Baby frogs. What does it mean?

  116. My 16yr old son just told me that he had a dream of me cooking and eating frogs, whole, and I wouldn't stop...

  117. Lisa, I've never commented on a blog or asked anyone about dreams like this, but last night I had a dream about a frog biting my finger. I was fishing with some guys on a cliff and they caught a small fish. I told them to use that fish as bait for a bigger fish. while baiting my hook, a frog came out of no where and bit my right pointer finger.Just curious if there is a meaning in that. thanks for any help.

    1. Well Freud saw fingers as phallic symbols:) but if we ignore that aspect a pointer finger could be a symbol of accusation. Lots of people have dreams of frogs biting them. Since a frog is a symbol of change maybe the dream is suggesting that you need to stop accusing someone? Fish are spiritual symbols (See my post on dreaming of fish) but as I was reading your dream I thought about the saying "He has bigger fish to fry". I don't know - does any of this resonate with you?

  118. Hi Lisa! I just got a frog dream too. But it was not a typical frog. It looks weird. Weird, because, it is too big and it has a BIG TAIL as well. But the tail is weird because, it looks like a "fan" or a tail of a fish. Too weird. And in first sight, it doesn't look like a frog to me, it looks like an iguana but when my classmate yelled in my dreams , "FROG" that was the time I recognized it as a frog. In my dream, I kept my mouth shut so that it won't be disturbed and attacked me because it's roaming around and like looking for victims. But in the end, it ended up going on my way and looked st me. It touches my skin and I felt its slimy and sticky saliva. Eeww. And next, it spoke to us in English (I'm a Filipino), and it's like sighting a riddle but I can't remember what it is. The last thing it did is, he pointed my and my other friends toes and said, "Give me five!" And I just did, leaving my right hand, a slimy and sticky feel again. Then the frog left us. I borrowed an alcohol from a friend a rub it on my hand and on my arm so that the frog'd saliva would disappear.

  119. Hi, I have just woke from a dream. I was walking around by my old house with friend In the dream. The police was over the road and i had drugs with me so threw them away and ran it to friends house had been to work and the girls had been invited by a girl I know (a friend s old flatmate/she does not work with me) they said I couldn't go and I was very upset. I nearly had a fight with 1 girl but pushed her off me. One of the girls drove me home but ended up driving me with her to the meeting place for the party. When I got there there was a swimming pool. I got in and the huge toad (unaturally huge. Half size of me) was sucking (sounded like kissing my hand). I was happy I thought I was cute. When he was stuck on me I could just about keep my head above level but I did. I was frightened by this. When I got out the girl who hadn't invited me to the pool. She said the toads really old and slimy and she didn't go in there. When I was in the pool with the frog I was not repulsed by it I like it. She spoke about the party and said the gosts were criminal s so wanted to keep it small. I said why wud the be botheree. It then went to a car they were all in on the way to a party (I wasnt there) lots of guns got pulled oyt by men and all girls were shot. Except the one who had invited everyone. It then turned out iy was stimulator! It then went bk to them waiting to go party and I said good bye. I give every1 a kiss. I said I always hsve to hug aswell to a friend hu just kissed on cheek (this was a boy who I dont work with. I left feeling very fustrat3e they actually would not let me go the party. There is a lot of imformation there. Can you help me understand this dresm

  120. Its meant to say I wasn't frightened. Also gosts it meant to say guys.

  121. Crazy Frog dream last night. I was in my side yard and a huge like 12 inch pure orange frog was there, I was not startled or scared of the frog, I thought it was cool. Then there was a crack in the yard like from a earth quake or something and there was about six medium about 4 inch red frogs. The orange frog began to eat the red frogs, this upset me and my husband slightly as we liked the red frogs too. But we were not angry at the orange frog for eating. Then I was driving our car laying down and I couldn't see where I was going. I was terrified and there was all kinds of advertising banners I could see the tops of but not the road. I could not see where I was going.

  122. My Boyfriend had a dream lst night about a green frog but it was on his shoulder the whole time. He saw me in this dream and a baby girl. what does that mean????

  123. Hi lisa, I was hoping you could help me? I was holding this frog in a jar with water and it was a big frog to and everywhere i went I always had the frog with me. And somehow I ended up in my old house and there was some puddles outside in the back so I decided that it was time to let the frog go from the jar so I opened the jar and then it jumped out. But for some reason I tried to catch it again and thats when i woke up.

  124. Hi this morning I hand a strange dream about a frog. I walk into an unfamiliar area and ran into the bishop of my church. He immediately stopped me and handed me a frog. I didn't no what it was until I felt it in the palm of my hand. When he peed on my hand I immediately released him and both the bishop and I share a laugh about it. Thoughts

  125. Hi. I had a dream two nights ago of frogs, several frogs crawling all over me. It was as though my body was covered in frogs. I couldn't move mainly because I was afraid of the frogs and also because I couldn't believe I was surrounded by so many frogs.


  126. I normally don’t think about my dreams but this one was impactful to me because it was odd, and emotional. I was at an event outside, and I'm not sure what the event was about but I know I had a presentation role. I remember faintly a group of NHL hockey players playing poker. During the dream I was walking around the perimeter of the stage and I came across a frog sitting on the ground. He was bright green, red/orange eyes and I think some blue shading on the side. In the dream he became my "pet". I was carrying him around in my hand, and he would sit on my shoulder, etc. I remember caring for this frog after I found him, he became almost a friend to me. During the event, I remember a common thing for me to do was to hide him under a leaf or branch while I walked away to go talk to other people or do something else. When I would return, he would come hopping out and hop in to my hand. The frog would show affection much like a cat does when it brushes up against your leg, he would rub his head against me as if to say hello. The next odd thing that happened, I was holding my "pet" frog and another person approached us. The person was friendly and smiling, but the frog turned a very bright red, seemed to grow in size a bit, and literally started howling like a dog would and began shaking. This startled me and the other person so she walked away. I calmly "petted" my frogs head and he calmed down and returned to the normal green coloring. The frog seemed to carry a loyalty and protection for me in the dream. Now on to the ending. I remember going back to the stage off to the right side, there weren't a lot of people around, and I put my frog underneath the stage. When I returned he did not hop out like he normally would. I began to get a little concerned. I stuck my arm under the stage to try and feel around and coax my pet frog out; immediately I felt an extremely sharp and impactful pain on my arm as if a board of nails hit it. By reflex my hand made a grasping motion, and I pulled my arm out. When I looked at my arm I had a very ugly black snake by the neck and blood was running down my hand. I proceeded to choke the snake until it died, and I threw it off to the side. I remember my wife running up to me at that point, and is the first time I remember her in the dream. She was saying that she thought the snake was poisonous and we should go to the hospital. I remember not being concerned with that, but being very concerned as to what happened to my frog, fearing the worst. So I went to the sink and washed the blood from my arm, and returned to the area. I felt under the stage where I found the snake, and left the frog. I remember feeling very scared because of the snake, but the greater feeling was worry and concern about my pet frog. Sure enough, when I ran my hand under the stage I found my pet frog laying still. I pulled him out and he was dead, presumably from the snake but he had no visible sign of damage, he was just gone. Immediately I felt a sense of devastation and loss. I have had previous dreams of losing a real person I know, and I immediately woke up feeling sad, and this same exact feeling happened this time because of this "frog". I literally woke up, almost to tears laying in my bed. Oddly enough, this carried on for around 3 hours after I woke up. I remember coming to my "senses" and realizing it was just a silly dream, but being 100% honest I still felt sad. I wanted to go back in to the dream, rewind it, and intervene somehow so that I could save my frog. If anyone has the time to give me your thoughts that would be awesome, as I have no understanding of dream interpretation at all. I appreciate being able to share this.

  127. Hi Lisa
    Today I woke up with a green frog dream, I was just so frequent, i was sitting on the edge of water, I cant remember whether it was a pond, lake or ?? I mean went a just looked in the water the green big frog was coming toward me with full of its frequency, before i could thought of anything thing the frog jummed toward me and i just got so scared when he jummed from water toward me I screamed and woke up, what this means ?

  128. Hi Lisa
    Today I woke up with a green frog dream, I was just so frequent, i was sitting on the edge of water, I cant remember whether it was a pond, lake or ?? I mean went a just looked in the water the green big frog was coming toward me with full of its frequency, before i could thought of anything thing the frog jummed toward me and i just got so scared when he jummed from water toward me I screamed and woke up, what this means ?

  129. Hi Lisa
    Today I woke up with a green frog dream, I was just so frequent, i was sitting on the edge of water, I cant remember whether it was a pond, lake or ?? I mean went a just looked in the water the green big frog was coming toward me with full of its frequency, before i could thought of anything thing the frog jummed toward me and i just got so scared when he jummed from water toward me I screamed and woke up, what this means ?

  130. Hi Lisa
    Today I woke up with a green frog dream, I was just so frequent, i was sitting on the edge of water, I cant remember whether it was a pond, lake or ?? I mean went a just looked in the water the green big frog was coming toward me with full of its frequency, before i could thought of anything thing the frog jummed toward me and i just got so scared when he jummed from water toward me I screamed and woke up, what this means ?

