(photo by Phil Gyford at flickriver)
Personally, I have never had this dream myself, but I became intrigued with the image after my daughter told me about a dream she had. In her dream she was at school and everywhere she looked people were throwing up. The people in the dream were her friends and classmates. She was disturbed by the dream, it didn't sound pleasant.
So when I did some research on this image, Dreaming of Vomit, I found that it could be interpreted both literally and symbolically. I took the information and wrote an article about it. You can see it here at my suite101 site if you're interested in more specifics. Surprisingly, this is one of my most viewed articles! Either lots of people have this type of dream or they are fascinated with the topic (and the picture I use, see above - it's pretty great).
The literal interpretation of vomiting in a dream would mean that you are trying to purge yourself of something (an idea, situation, a person). Something that is literally making you feel sick. Seeing someone else vomit, like in my daughter's dream, means that the person is, or you think they are, being false to you. Literally, they are spewing out crap! You might not be conscious of this in waking life but there may be signs that you have registered unconsciously.
I was surprised at how many symbolic or mystical interpretations there were of the image of vomiting in your dreams, especially in the Islamic tradition. Apparently, people dream of vomiting many different things and some of them are quite funny. For example, if you dream of vomiting dishes, it could mean you will lose money or property. Dreaming of swallowing pearls and then vomiting honey means you have a deep understanding of the Quran. And, my personal favourite, dreaming of vomiting a chicken and then watching it as it hops away, means that you will suffer disappointment in a relative's illness. (I find the image funny, not the outcome!)
What I like most about the image of vomiting in your dreams is that, like many dreams, the literal image and words that would describe it (being sick, purging) and analyzing what you are vomiting up (a symbol of wealth, a person, a chicken? not so much!) can tell you a lot about what your dream means.
its good as hell !!! but what if he just vomit plain white flour i know it sounds yucky but this is what my dream is :(
ReplyDeleteHey there - took me a little while to find this. http://MyIslamicDream.com has lots of interpretations about vomiting symbols in dreams. So, according to that site, flour could represent money and blessings. Apparently to vomit them up means the vomitter is granting these things to you (or whoever he is vomiting on). Is the person vomiting someone you know? (like a husband or father?)Did the stuff land near you or someone else?
DeleteI had a very strange and scary dream last night. My dreams are all so vivid and this one was no different. I was walking down a dirt road, I think trying to find someone or get away from someone. I come across a police car and in the back is a person I know. They grab me and handcuff my wrist to theirs. I'm not sure how but we end up in a tiled bathroom with a bathtub. I am in the bathtub but there is brown vomit everywhere and the person who I am handcuffed too is vomiting on me, trying to vomit in the toilet but there is just too much for it to handle. It is all over me, all over the floor, all over the walls, all over the bathtub that I for some reason am laying in. This dream really seemed to both mer for some reason. I could not go back to sleep after this. Very weird....
ReplyDeleteYour dream has lots of different symbols that can help you to interpret it. I'm going to link some articles where I've talked about them more fully but here's a short answer. For example, both a ROAD and a CAR are symbols of taking a journey. http://imagesindreams.blogspot.ca/2012/02/driving-car-road-conditions-near-death.html
ReplyDeleteA police car, and being handcuffed to that person, suggest that maybe you are going somewhere against your will, somewhere you don't necessarily want to go. In this dream, I think the Bathroom represents your ideas of cleanliness. http://suite101.com/article/dreaming-of-a-house-a327062
Lying in a bathtub makes me think of a baptism. I don't know the person that you are with or is vomiting on you, but it sounds like he/she is spewing out shit! (sorry to be crass)"Too much to handle" as you put it yourself, yet you are content to just lay in it. Why? So because the dream seemed to bother you, I would look more closely at your relationship with the specific person in the dream or else what he/she might represent (ie. a mother figure, a boss or work situation, a friend who might be "taking you for a ride". Let me know what you think.
My dream of vomiting happened 2 times. The first one was my boyfriend who isnt being false and the other was my biology labs teacher while eating tacos in a car with Thor after a murder. I couldn't fall back asleep i was soo worked up. I wish i had time to post the whole dream. It was crazy.
ReplyDeletePlease help me. A couple of weeks ago I dreamt that I was in a hospital very sick. I went to the bathroom and came back out a nurse was sitting in this very white hospital room. I started to vomit a very white porridge like substance. I asked her what that meant and she said "It's nearly Time" and I knew I was going to die. She said I had to sign now and I wrote down the full date ( won't say when but soon!)and then I died. ( waking as I took my last breath.) Now last night I had another very vivid dream I was in hospital again and sick again went to the loo ! While I was on the loo I gave birth to a very premature baby - it was tiny but I saw it move so yelled for the nurse. She came in and was quite annoyed with me. Telling me to leave the baby it was going to die. I asked if it could survive if it has been born in England and she said yes - even though this baby was only about 15 cm long ( I am originally from the UK but have lived in Africa for 20 years ! ). I started to look after it despite the negativity of the nurse and was cuddling the baby to keep it warm. The baby started to move and eventually seemed to want to feed. I asked the nurse and she said go ahead it's going to die soon anyway. So I went to suckle the baby and it was latching on ( but struggling as it was so small )when I woke up ...... Any ideas. My death date is VERY soon !!
ReplyDeleteOMG that is quite a dream but relax - death in dreams doesn't always mean a literal death. I would suspect in your case, from the rest of your dream symbols, that it would refer to a death of some aspect of yourself (a relationship?) or situation.
ReplyDeleteThere are a couple of symbols that refer to elimination (vomiting and the loo). The white porridge stuff sounds similar to the flour (see comment above about Islamic dreams). Sometimes we have to purge or rid ourselves of things (negative emotions, people or situations) in order to receive new things which I think the baby might represent (a new birth/rebirth).
I find the England/Africa thing interesting. If this were my dream, I would think it might be a suggestion to move back to England and start anew. Is this something you've been contemplating?
It will be interesting to see what happens on the date given. As I said, I don't think it refers to your literal death. Rather, pay attention to what opportunities come your way on that date. They seem to suggest that there is potential for a major change to your situation.
Best of luck!
Please help me with this dream. I just had it. I dreamed that somebody I know was in the bathroom vomiting and it was so much it was going everywhere. Then someone else i knew was standing in front of the person throwing up with thier hand in the vomit throw it all over the bathroom. I ran into another room to get it off my hand in the sink then all the plumbing was stopped up from the vomit
DeleteThere are several images in your dream that relate to elimination: vomitting, bathroom and plumbing so I think that would be safe to say is a theme in your dream. The dream might have to do with the two other people in it or it might have to do with your view of them. If it were my dream I would think that the person vomitting may be trying to express themselves and the other person is helping? You might feel uncomfortable with this (you want to wash it off your hands). It's too much for you. Does any of this make sense?
I have a lot of dreams that are very clear, and very real. Some of them even come true within 24 hours. Last night, I could only remember that I was dreaming about throwing up blood and black stuff, I was crying when I was throwing up because I was scared ( I'm assuming) I was vomiting in a toilet, and it seemed to be a lot of clear stuff with black and red clots. If anyone can email me about some of my other dreams, that would be perfect. I have other REALLY weird dreams..
ReplyDeleteHi Kaylie
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you are having some precognitive dreams (like you dream about something happening before it does). That's really cool - I hardly ever have those dreams. Re your vomiting dream - remember that vomiting is scary but it means that you are ridding yourself of something (black suggests bad). Red can mean alot of things (anger, passion, danger)but apparently you want to get rid of that too. I think the dream is just telling you how you are feeling but you might want to think about what things you want to get rid of. If you're interested in other dream interpretations, check out my other posts on my blog and comment on those. Personally, I just got the Dream Moods App for my iphone and find that is really useful for symbol identification and tracking my dreams.You might be interested in checking that out. Weird dreams are cool - I love them.
I keep having dreams that im nauseas and in one dream i actuallt vomit a baby its fully figured ots about 5 inches long and there is alot of blood bright red
ReplyDeleteI have been looking everywhere for an interpretation of my dream, but I just can't really come to a conclusion to what it really means... Could you help me?
ReplyDeleteIn my dream, I went to a Japanese restaurant, and ordered a squid (I don't even like it).
Anyways, a couple of days later I started throwing up small pieces of squid... Then they became bigger and bigger... And when I realized, I was throwing up a whole squid, and it was alive. It was like they were reproducing inside me, because I kept vomiting one after the other. It was an awful feeling, really. What could this mean?? Please, help me, it's driving me crazy! Thank you!! :)
Hi Sarah
DeleteThat does sound like a disturbing dream. So eating squid as a symbol suggests feeling self concious or worried about what other people think of you. Vomiting in dreams is usually a symbol of wanting to purge yourself of something. If this was my dream I would wonder if there is some social issue going on in my life that subconsciously I feel very uncomfortable with. Does this make sense?
Hey everybody, I love hearing about your dreams and I'm more than happy to help with a free interpretation. But just to let you know, since I am doing this FOR FREE, I make some money off of Google Ad clicks and intext links. I would love to have more viewers so if you have found my blog helpful, please repost, retweet or pass it along to your friends.
ReplyDeleteI would also love to have more comments on my other posts, so if you haven't already, check them out and let me know if you have had similar dreams.
I am usually very good an interpreting my dreams myself and I often have very vivid dreams that either come true or prove to have some bearing on my life. However, this latest dream that I had has got me completely lost. If you could help me understand it, I'd really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteOkay so the dream takes place at a former teachers aid's home. I knew this woman in college and have only seen her on Facebook occasionally since. But like me she is a vegetarian but she also has a bit of a weight problem. In the dream however, she had just had her third child and was quite fit and thin. She and her husband had invited me and my ex fiancé (he and I have recently reconnected and are forming a friendship in real life) over for dinner. We have a nice meal. We play with the kids. Then she and her husband goes to put the kids to bed. My ex and I are sitting on this big fluffy sofa in the middle of the living room, the lights are on very brightly and there are no shadows or anything anywhere and I stand up to go to the bathroom. My ex stands up as well and he suddenly kisses me. I don't recoil and we engage in a brief kiss. After the kiss ends, I feel something in my mouth so I put my fingers inside and I pull out what look like strips of cooked beef. Once I realize that my ex just put meat in my mouth upon kissing me I begin to vomit violently. At first I vomit on him and as I'm trying to make it to the bathroom I keep vomiting all over him, myself, the floor, the furniture, everything. We finally make it to the bathroom and we're both covered in vomit but he's with me the whole time, holding my hair back, rubbing my back, and asking me if I'm ok or if I need him to do anything besides hold my hand but I can't answer because of the incessant vomiting. And I just keep vomiting until there's nothing left. Then I continue retching until my abs are sore. And then I wake up.
I just can't figure it out. I have no idea what any of it means. Please help!
DeleteWell vomiting in a dream usually means you are getting rid of something (or want to) in your life. I think this dream has to do with your feelings for your ex. There could be two interpretations. One is that, because you are a vegetarian, your relationship with your ex is something that you can't really "swallow" - something bothers you. Or else meat can sometimes symbolize raw emotions or getting to the heart of the matter. So I would say the dream interpretation depends on how you felt about your ex after the dream. More loving etc, maybe it's the second interpretation. A sick, uncomfortable feeling - maybe its the first. What do you think?
I always have this dream that I'm throwing up a baby. That's what brought me here. I don't have any kids but I'm not sure what it means. The vomiting of the baby happens at random. But I do really wanted kids so I don't understand why I would to purge this out of my life. Thank you
ReplyDeleteHi Nicole
DeleteApparently vomiting up babies (in dreams at least) is pretty common. A baby can represent a couple of different things in life. One - literally a baby, desire to have a child or two - a special project that is close to your heart. Vomitting usually means purging or ridding yourself of something so...
If this was my dream I would look at what's going on in my life. (Recurring dreams usually want to alert us to something we are ignoring in waking life). Maybe there is a project I am involved with that I need to let go of. Or maybe it has to do with ambivilant feelings about having kids. Does any of this help?
Thank you. It does help but I'm still wondering why it happens. I've been having these dreams for about a year now. My only special project is this program I'm starting for girls to teach about self esteem and dealing with bullying etc..but I've had these dreams long before that. Im also 24 single without kids and I've been wanting them for years. I hope the details of my life give you a better understanding of all of this. I really appreciate you helping me. Your advice means a lot me, especially when no one around me can relate.
ReplyDeleteI was just reading some of the previous comments and in answer to Dream Girl's question about vomiting a baby I said that the baby could also represent a birth/rebirth of yourself. It would be interesting if you could track your dreams. Like do you have this dream during certain situations (ie visiting your parents, starting a new job etc.) That is one of the characteristics of reoccuring dreams, that they tend to happen at certain times. Some people practice Lucid Dreaming as a way to get a handle on their reoccuring dreams. One thing to try would be to try to recreate the dream in your mind (like a day dream) and ask the baby when it comes out what it represents. The answer might surprise you! Or the next time you have this dream, try to become lucid (one trick is to look at your dream hands, this can trigger you to realize you're dreaming) and see if you can change the dream (like try not to vomit or vomit up something else - a frog!- or again ask the baby why its there). I don't know. Some things to try, though. Let me know if anything helps.
DeleteI literally just woke up from a dream I had about the devil or some evil ...I was waking up a driveway and saw two people in a car and then I started vomiting in my dream only to be waken up by me actually really vomiting in real life too..... Any significance? I'm creeped out.... I'm not feeling sick or anything and I don't commit often so I'm startled by the vividness of this dream especially cuz it happened right as I was coming out of the dream in real life ...it was almost as if I finished vomiting after I woke up....
ReplyDeleteThat would be a disturbing dream! Vomiting in a dream usually means you want to purge yourself of something. It's possible that your dream disturbed you so much (the evil, Satan) that you just wanted to get rid if it and your "real life" body reacted too ( I always feel like vomiting when I'm in a situation I hate). It would be interesting to think about who the men are that drive away in the car. Any ideas?
Deletehi I have been having this same dream almost every week for a year now. It creeps me out. on different occasions during the dreams, I all of a sudden start throwing up white chunky (porridge like) solids. a little comes out but not all of it. I could feel it in my throat but it doesn't come out very easily. I keep trying and trying but only little bits of chunks come out. I keep throwing up again and again during the dream. I always wake up very freaked out. what do you think of this dream?
ReplyDeleteIf it were my dream I would think that it seems like there is something my body wants to get rid of but can't do fully. Is there a situation going on in your life that you probably need to fully let go of but you are doing slowly, piece by piece? Read my blog post on Reoccuribg Dreams. Having them usually means there is something going on in your waking life (or strong feelings) that need to be acknowledged and addressed. One thing you could try before going to sleep is picturing this dream but trying to continue on. Maybe the vomit can form itself into something else like a piece of paper with a message telling you more clearly shat the dream means. Just a thought.
DeleteLast night I had my first vomit dream. My ex boyfriend and I were having sex. When he was ready to climax he threw up all over me. In the dream I had the sense he did it on purpose. What does this mean?
ReplyDeleteYou have a few different symbols in your dream. If this were my dream I would see sex representing communication and the ex boyfriend as either himself or a time in my past. Maybe he needs (or you feel he needs) to get something out (as in saying something) in order for you to have a better connection? Or maybe this refers to a time in your past (around the time of the boyfriend) that you need to get out in order to move forward. Does this help?
DeleteHi Lisa, I saw you mentioned to comment on your blog or other sites but I just found this page and don't want to forget my dream..
ReplyDeleteIn my dream I am in some haunted type house, but that's where I live, I'm not with anyone I know, its like I live with a foster family.. me and my "sister" were making breakfast for ourselves before school, I was just about to eat and my "mom" comes home with a friend, they were out running and they go to sit on the floor against the wall and my mom says her friend has to throw up. And she was looking at me like I was the only one that could help. So I put my hand in front of her mouth to throw up on my hand (idk why I just didn't get a bucket!) So the friend threw up in my hand but then she ate it! And I tried moving her face, telling her stop, pulling her head back but she wouldn't budge and kept eating.. then I went to wash my hands and all the sudden I had casts on both my arms.. what do you get out of my dream? I have no clue..
If this were my dream I would see the haunted house and foster family as a situation that I am uncomfortable with. Hands are symbols of giving while vomiting is usually a symbol of purging. Is it possible that there is a friend or situation in your life that you feel is dumping on you or taking advantage of your generosity? The casts on the arms might be a warning that you're giving too much? What do you think?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHelp anyone, comments, thoughts etc
ReplyDeleteI had a dream that I was throwing up on th.floor in my room. My husband came and.tired to get me to the bathroom but I kept telling him I couldn't make it there. Weird never jad a dream like this before, any insight would be helpful
If this were my dream, I would see the vomitting as something in my life I need to get rid of and my husband could help me do this. You said you couldn't make it there but maybe you could have if you let him help you. What do you think?
DeleteI had a dream that I went to a party and my ex boyfriend was there sitting on the couch. I was sitting on the floor. Some people came and I went to introduce myself but I couldn't pronounce their names. I turn around and my ex boyfriend was sitting on the floor and vomiting oatmal. I rushed to help him and someone covered it with a hat. As I helped him he was saying something about the couch. I didn't know anyone in my dream but my ex and I can't stop thinking about seeing him vomit oatmeal.
ReplyDeleteI just had a weird dream last night about a concert I've want to go to after the show my mother and and some family pick me up my mom say I found a $170 I said cool where then I look over and it was my debit card then I tolled her she can't keep it cut it mine and why would she take that then I got made and tolled her I was gonna walk home and this is when it got where my sister ended up following me cut she didn't want to leave we were in dark wood area I think and we good separated but I herd her and went to here and then I guess my mom went looking form and I saw here then she went into a build when we went in it was a very try dirty bathroom and I now it was haunted for some reason in the me my sis mom and my son are in bathroom and I start say let go this bathroom is haunted and they don't want us here and it wants to make us sick and then my son( toddler) throw up and I was so scared then woke up but I wake up so scared please tell me what this can mean
ReplyDeletehi -
ReplyDeleteI have had several of the same type of dream and want to know what it means.
Most of these dreams are me at a party and everyone around me starts to puke. All of them, all over and I am trying to stay away from them so they don't puke on me. Sometimes they do. They are people I know, some old high school friends, people I don't recognize. But literally it's a house full of pukers and I am just trying to keep away from them. It's usually a party like I said.
Now in real life I am actually pukeaphobic (It makes me gag myself) so these dreams are exceptionally revolting to me. It happens often and feels like it lasts all night. Can you help me???
Hi Amanda
DeleteCheck out my post called "Checking on My Car" about recurring dreams. Basically, "recurring dreams usually happen where there is a situation in waking life that needs attention or needs to be dealt with and your unconscious mind will continue to prod you with the dream until you do! "
A house usually represents your self while other people (especially high school friends) can symbolize yourself socially (feeling judged especially). If this were my dream, I would pay attention to the people I surround myself with in my waking life. Am I taking on more than I can by them (literally being spewed upon) and that's why I want to stay away from them? What do you think?
ReplyDeleteI had a dream about vomiting last night. My friend was vomiting in front of me on the carpet at her parents' house. There were other people, her family and relatives, but no one cared about her vomit. I was the only person close to her and looking at her. I saw a bucket behind her, I took that and put it in front of her to vomit in, not on the carpet. In real life, her mother and I are very sad and disappointed about her recent behaviour. I have been suffering from her behaviour, because she meant to me more than a friend. It is not first time she is breaking my heart, I always try to forget and forgive her. This time, what she did was shocking and terrible. All the time, I am thinking of our past, and feel bad. I helped her to save herself from the recent bad situation. However, I cannot move on this. Why I put the bucket in front of her despite I know she was not honest with me. She was false to me. Why I had this dream after all these happend?
omg i just filled out my dream and it didnt post!?!?!? arg... well hello again lol :) i was at my moms and grandmas house. (mom doesnt actually live there and grandma is deceased) there was food all over and 2 refrigerators. one full and the other mostly empty and i was supposed to fill it. but somehow ended up outside with the boyfriend. mom didnt like him very much in this dream. (reality either) but the bf and i ended up in the back of a car trying to follow her in her car. i was trying to control from the back somehow. but she pulled back into the driveway so did we. then he and i ended up in the yard in the green grass and he defecated all over and it was brown of course. so then i threw up water,rocks, and a big bone maybe dinosaur bone??? i tried to show my bone off and no one cared. so then i preceded to walk on without him towards a pier. by a large dark flat pond. there where people on the pier. i got on the pier and it was haunted by a woman much like the grudge woman with the crazy creepy get you hair.. she kept trying to scare me and get me. she stayed in the boards though?. but then everyone noticed dolphins in the pond. they where jumping around like dolphins do. but i noticed one had no tail as if from an injury or something but that didnt stop it. then an orange big weird looking fish floated to the top as if knocked out from a dolphin landing on it or something?. so i looked on and saw 3 small dogs across the way on the grass. so i went to them to pet them. one of the men followed. so then the dogs go on their way. then i stepped into the pond which was sorta clear now. and accidentally knocked some mens ashtray in the water and they where mad at me so i gave it back. and across the pond i saw a woman yelling and threatening me to leave for some reason?? so me and the man went towards her across the pond. then we reached her she was still yelling but i looked down in the clear water now and saw small stone mermaids that where purple,blue and teal?? so i started grabbing them and so did he(i love mermaids btw) but the woman was still yelling and started threatening to fight me and trying to scare me so i just said come on then lets fight. and the people on the pier where all ohhhing and uh ohhhing. lol. then i woke up... any help on this crazy dream???
ReplyDeleteDreaming of vomiting rosary white in color
ReplyDeleteHello I always dream what I consider to be bad dreams,but don't really know what they depict. Today's dream was there was big water pool, there were people sitting on the galleries and watching all round.I went into the pool,my husband was already there and the pool was almost empty only sand was there, There was water in the corners only. As i went in, there was wave coming and suddenly the way I came filled with water and it was deep, I told my husband how to go out now, he told me don.t worry, showed me the opposite way there was shallow water, so we came out. I wanted to go in again, but there were some people on my way,so i could not go and with my sister few children were there,some of them were sitting on the gallery. As I went there one of the boy ate something and he felt sick and started throwing up, I was calling my sister, but she did'n arrive on time, So, I just put my palms together to hold his vomit and I was calling my sister. I was afraid if that smells bad,it was not smelly.
ReplyDeleteI had a dream of my self vomiting just like the picture but it was blood and my daughter was watching me and I was telling her to call her dad what does it mean.
ReplyDeleteOk, so I'm sitting in like a classroom leaning against a table. For some odd reason I look very young (like 15 or so, I'm 37) It is very clean and white. There is the head of a man sitting in a white box on the floor up against the wall 20 feet opposite me close to the door. As we are waiting for whatever, he just keeps telling me how he hasn't been feeling well and how sick he is. I'm thinking like WTH???? Of course you feel sick, YOU'RE JUST A HEAD!!!! So a few minutes pass and he suddenly says, I'm gonna throw up, I'm sorry. I'm gonna turn my head (cause that's all the hell he was anyway) so I won't get it on you. He proceeds to turn his head away from the door and projectile vomits all over the floor and walls. I hastily EXIT!!!! What was that anout?????
ReplyDeleteEarly this morning I dreamed that I was on a bus--one of those busses that has a small bathroom in the back--and a girl on the bus (a total stranger) went into the bathroom to throw up. And then a few minutes later she threw up again (but not in the bathroom), and it landed ALL OVER ME!!! Like, a HUGE explosion that poured down on me! (And don't ask me what color it was or anything--I didn't actually see it because I was looking down at the floor when it happened) I woke up no more than 2 seconds later, but I remember being really shocked--like I just could NOT believe that the girl had actually vomited on me! AND it was really gross.
ReplyDelete(I'M a girl too btw)
That dream seems to mean something, but I just don't know what. Any ideas? Thanx
My bf had a dream that he saw my son, as he approached my son my son turned around and started vomiting a solid bright blue substains, he then walked over to the tap and as he turned it on this same bright blue liquid came Pouring out. My son lives abroad and my bf does not know him all that well. What could this mean.
ReplyDeleteI dreamed that I was to kiss my boyfriend and he vomit in my mouth he ran to the bathroom towing up and I was towing up behind him I. The tub also
ReplyDeleteI had a dream last night that I was hanging out with my twin sister and she told me that she had vomited. And I have a fear of vomiting... So for some reason in my dream I was scared I was gonna vomit! And she left the room a couple of times and told me again that she vomited like 3 times ..
ReplyDeleteTrying to decide what it means to watch 2 children eat chocolate really fast (and way too much) until one of them is throwing it up?